How can I decorate an odd shaped bathroom?

Vicki Lynn
by Vicki Lynn
  7 answers
  • Ken Ken on Aug 08, 2017

    You have a question here?

  • Alyssa Alyssa on Aug 08, 2017

    What shape is it? I've seen a rounded turret-room bathroom, a triangular under-the-stairs bathroom, and many L-shaped bathrooms.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Aug 08, 2017

    Vicki, I need more to go on here....can you add a photo and let me know what you'd like to see?

  • Peg Peg on Aug 08, 2017

    Can you post a picture? That way we can help you.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Aug 08, 2017

    Odd shaped bathroom? That's peaked my interest, but need more information.....

  • Pandalana Williams Pandalana Williams on Aug 08, 2017

    More information please. Are you wanting to remodle?

  • Vicki Lynn Vicki Lynn on Aug 12, 2017

    2 photos are attached. Some info:

    • the room is an empty storage space off a 2nd floor master bedroom. I'd like to turn it into a master bath.
    • there is no plumbing, not even nearby. I do have a basement, which might make plumbing access easier.
    • no windows, but it does have a skylight.
    • the room measures 17' X 8' and has a sloped ceiling
    • the slope is 5' at it's lowest point and 8' at it's highest.
    • I'd like to change the door into a barn door.

    I would love some input.

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