How can I start and indoor herb garden

by Cha26479213
  6 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Aug 08, 2017

    Find a cute container that will fit in your space. Decide on the herbs you are interested in...Some great choices are basil, parsley, rosemary and sage. These all do well in containers and do not spread as much as some other herbs do. Use a good soil mix from your local garden center, and be sure to add some rocks or something in the bottom for drainage. Add your plants, and water as needed. Be sure to give them plenty of light, and do not overwater. Also...make sure the container you choose will accommodate the herbs as they get larger. Most herbs grow fairly quickly, and will outgrow a container if not kept pruned.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 08, 2017

    We have done 2 kinds. One is a pole kind that has a hollow center filled with dirt and herbs started in the holes. It was easy, handy, and I kept it on my back indoor porch that had big windows. I set it in a small dish tub to catch water. That was my favorite way until I discovered Aerogardens! This is my favorite way to grow them now! It is easy, fun, and does the best job of making them grow that I have ever found! See photo and here's their site:

    They have fantastic customer service and it is user friendly. I love my fresh herbs in my kitchen now. The gardens also come in a variety of sizes and colors. For my last one I ordered only the pods and added my own seeds. They are doing great too. This is a win / win home herb garden.

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  • Bea25749984 Bea25749984 on Aug 08, 2017

    I know this probably sounds crazy, but use an egg carton. Fill with soil and a couple of seeds. I put mine on the window seal to get some sun. Once they sprouted I transplanted in pots.

  • Pau28432484 Pau28432484 on Aug 08, 2017

    Buy the herbs you want, repot them, and put them in a sunny window.

  • Pat Pat on Aug 08, 2017

    i used an old wooden drawer fashoioned into tray and planted herbs in old mason jars