How to make entry door more appealing?

I have an oak entry door. Previous owners painted the exterior with white paint. Interior is still wood. Door is in good condition and solid other than the paint. It looks awful. How can I make it more appealing?

  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 13, 2017

    Use Citristrip a safe non-toxic paint remover,and stain it

  • Terri Whittaker Terri Whittaker on Aug 13, 2017

    Oak has a very open grain compared to other hardwoods and this makes it particularly difficult to strip . There will always be remnants of white paint in the grain...unless you take a belt sander to it and remove a fair bit of the surface. You could have several options, depending on your ambition level. Do the painstaking strip and refinish. OR strip the paint as best as you can and redo the paint job with a better quality paint. This would be a good chance to make the door a focal paint by using an accent colour. No idea of your exterior colours now but a safe option is to make the front door the opposite of your siding colour ( complimentary colours). On a colour wheel, any colour directly opposite the colour you are looking at is its compliment; example: blue & orange, red & green, purple & yellow. There are a lot more variations to this; I've just sited the primary and secondary colours. A paint store will be able to help you with any and all variations of the colour wheel.

  • Denise Denise on Aug 13, 2017

    I lightly sanded my door and gave it a bright coat of turquoise paint. Outstanding!