How do I get rid of spiders?

i kill them know the the web and spray the

  13 answers
  • Liz Toone Liz Toone on Aug 13, 2017

    You need to find a product that will have a lasting effect. I've used Ortho Home Defense with good results. You still have to brush the web away.

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 13, 2017

    I use Victors and Ecosense natural insect repellent that has peppermint and other stuff in it. Kills bugs on contact and repells them.

    I also went on a mission when I moved into this spider infested house, webs everywhere and crawlers too..... I filled every crack and crevice I could find on the ceiling and floors with silicon caulk. I sucked everyone I found up in a vacuum, and I would spray some bug spray in the hose to kill them before I emptied the container. I also put in flea traps cause my rescue cat came infested, and the bonus was the crawling spiders got trapped too. It has no poison on the sticky pads .... I laughed the first time I saw one of these, but when you 1st put them in your house.... OMG.... fleas, spiders, moths, gnats, it amazing how much they trap.

  • AG Brown AG Brown on Aug 13, 2017

    I highly recommend diatomaceous earth - I live in an old house - had multiple 'pest' contractors and what worked best for me (and my pets!) was DE. Here are several links on it if you want to learn more. I also purchased a 'dust bulb' so I can get it into the various places spiders and other bugs hide. Hope it helps! Official Site to Learn About Diatomaceous ...

    Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat!

  • Dana Dana on Aug 14, 2017

    i hate pests as much as anyone, keep in Mind that any sprays get washed into the soil, that gets washed into the water that you drink, do you want to drink poison? I know I don't. Use environment friendly products.

  • Jackie Ballard Jackie Ballard on Aug 14, 2017

    why do you want to kill them .....Put them outside and then you can remove the webs

  • Joye R. Foster Joye R. Foster on Aug 14, 2017

    Spiders aren't all bad. They kill insects, so I would not kill those outside.

  • Don Parker Don Parker on Aug 14, 2017

    Put bonkers on ( 2) on each window cill

  • Don Parker Don Parker on Aug 14, 2017

    Should have read conkers. Works wonders.

  • Ken Ken on Aug 14, 2017

    I must agree with others who have questioned the killing of arachnids in your home but I have a slightly different take. If the spiders weren't making a living, they would not be there. You have insects living in your house. Spiders are merely an indicator of that infestation and you are killing the messenger. The diatomaceous earth remedy is probably the best idea since it goes after the insects that are feeding the spiders. Make sure that conditions are dry.

  • Gloria D Theen Gloria D Theen on Aug 14, 2017

    I tried something I had seen on the internet that actually works so well I will always use it to control the spider problem we have in Florida. I put peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water and sprayed all corners of the ceilings in my house and porches. Spiders don't like it and will avoid that area. I also use it in my paint. Garage shelves painted with 3 ounces of peppermint oil in 4 gallons of paint and 4 months later no spiders can be found anywhere near the shelves.

  • Jilly Honeybourne Jilly Honeybourne on Aug 14, 2017

    If you want to live and thrive, let a spider stay alive. :)

  • You can try peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 01, 2024

    Leave Conkers around the place as they stay clear where they are.