How can I repair hot food damage to my laminate table top?

by Honey
  5 answers
  • Honey Honey on Aug 14, 2017

    Thanks for the info. The damage to my laminate is more than just burn spots. The actual laminate is has been burned through and the finish is off in spots so do not think the solution you mentioned will work. I am going to give it a try but not too hopeful. 🤔

  • Toolpro Toolpro on Aug 15, 2017

    I have not discovered an easy way to repair short of putting an new piece of laminate down. Depending on the location of the burns- my guess is near the stove, a large piece of marble, or granite laid over the damage will look like it is supposed to be there for hot pots. A cutting board would work too, especially the new thinner bamboo ones. There are also attractive tempered glass counter savers.

    • Honey Honey on Aug 15, 2017

      Thanks for your response. Unfortunately it is my dining room table. Guess I just need to keep a tablecloth on it or buy a new table.... my own fault for not protecting it better when I have had family dinners.

  • Toolpro Toolpro on Aug 15, 2017

    Oh a table top. I would fill any voids on the top. Not sure with what perhaps craft epoxy- something that is a gel or paste that can be worked with and sanded smooth. Minwax wood filler most likely will work too. Thoroughly clean the top of any grease/oil and lightly sand. And then paint the top. Then put a coat of polyurethane( solvent based, the water based doesn't hold up) on top. I have done this with several end tables and dressers. The polyurethane makes a very durable finish. It will not be heat proof though. Black with gloss poly looks good with wood tone legs. I sold the piece I did like that and no longer have the picture. The attached pictures are of similar style pieces that were damaged- repaired and painted. The top of the night stand had a gouge in it. I used wood filler in it. The two part Minwax . Both pieces were headed to the dump before rescuing.

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  • Toolpro Toolpro on Aug 15, 2017

    The pulls were cleaned up, painted a bronze/gold antique paint and sprayed with polyurethane. Clearly I like poly. I've taken my vintage rental property floors back to the pine planks( in the kitchens too) and used poly on them. I don't work for Minwax or Parks.

    • Honey Honey on Aug 15, 2017

      Thanks very much for all the great info. May be a bit above my paygrade, but will give it some consideratio.

      thanks again.