How can I upcycle my melamine white wardrobes?

by Haz28597016
  3 answers
  • Tonya Tonya on Aug 14, 2017

    Paint them. Use chalk paint or prime and use regular latex. You can add wood embellishments at a home improvement store. I suggest adding before painting

    • Haz28597016 Haz28597016 on Aug 15, 2017

      Hi, thanks. I do a lot of upcycling and there are some quite nice embellishments on Amazon so I am gonna give it a go, the French type furniture is very expensive in England.

  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on Aug 17, 2017

    Add some furniture appliques to dress it up and then paint it with chalk paint. Add new updated hardware to finish.

  • Barb Barb on Aug 21, 2017

    Add trim, new hardware, paint and pretty wallpaper inside the back wall for add accent detail. Here's a photo

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