I bought plain white lamp shades for my bedroom any ideas how to dress

I need some ideas how to dress up plain white lampshades , I bought them from a yard sale as is for my bedroom

  8 answers
  • Sharon Susa Courchesne Sharon Susa Courchesne on Aug 14, 2017

    There's a great project on this site about how to customize a plain lamp shade. Best of luck!


  • Suz6231166 Suz6231166 on Aug 14, 2017

    you could glue silk flowers all over the shade. Or mosaic mirror tiles. Or paint the inside a rose gold/ copper colour. Or glue small ostrich feathers all over the shade. You could dip the shade in a dish of nail polish colours, mixed and stirred to look like a coloured marble effect. Or glue some of those coloured glass flattened ball thingies to the shade. Or cover the white shade in a pretty fabric. Your choices are endless

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 14, 2017

    Beads,paint them

  • Ras25497888 Ras25497888 on Aug 14, 2017

    wall paper is the wayb to go. Your choices are endless and remnants can be bought for a song.

  • Add trim to the top and bottom of the shade. Or beads to the bottom. Visit a fabric store and find some sort of ribbon, rope or any embellishment that catches your eye. Pin or glue on. I prefer Alene's products. Add a finial too! Take one shade with you to see what it will look like and to measure to get the right amount.

  • Added beads to my bedroom lamps.

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  • Tonya Tonya on Aug 14, 2017

    You can buy embellishments made for lampshades at stores like Hobby Lobby

  • Emily Emily on Aug 14, 2017

    If it is fabric sometimes I add trim, if it is paper, sometimes I decoupage them or I paint them.

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