Has any one Dried courgettes seed for the néxt season

Kim edwards
by Kim edwards
  3 answers
  • Kim Kim on Aug 15, 2017

    It shouldn't be a problem. I save seed but have never saved courgettes. To save seed, you remove as much fruit from the seed as you can manually then put the seed in a mesh strainer and wash them. Then lay them out on a paper towel or something absorbent and allowed to dry thoroughly. Once completely dry, put in paper bag and keep in a box in your produce drawer until planting time.

    : )

  • Judy Judy on Aug 15, 2017

    I have never heard of them, and I have had many plants, and inside and outside. I know that you can save Mary Golds, tho this one, I am not familiar with. Best wishes, check on search, and see if that can help you. Have a lovely day, OH, if you try to save them, they restart them inside in a egg carton, in about Feb., to get a good start on them for that year, then place on a covered patio, if you have one, for a protected covering. If you don't have this, place under a tree, or a shaded area, til it matures, and you can plant them likely in Apr., or May. Don't be risky, for the spring chill will always come many times, so you may want to aim for Mem. Day, or in that area of timing. Make a notebook, of your planting, and keep track of them, and take pics. Best wishes, J.

  • Cindy Thomas Cindy Thomas on Aug 15, 2017

    just scoop out the seeds, lay on a dry towel ( clean off the fleshy part) and dry for about a week. Do not rinse with water. Once dry, place them in a plastic, not paper, sack or glass jar. direct sow outdoors in late spring or inside. Plant only after any signs of frost. You usually can save any seed this way. It's nice when you come across a special variety of something also. We save lots of seed at our greenhouse