What flowers are best for a perennial garden how do you keep weeds dow

  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 18, 2017

    What is your location and lighting? How much space is there for planting?

  • K K on Aug 18, 2017

    Where is the garden? If you live in the south you’ll have more choices than we do in the north. Are deer or rabbits a problem?

    I use lots of mulch and pull weeds every time I walk to the mailbox and back.

    The key to keeping weeds under control is to plant enough plants to shade and cover the ground.

    Ground covers like ivy or pachysandra are more trouble than they’re worth because you have to pull the weeds from the ground cover.

  • Sue Sue on Aug 18, 2017

    Get your perennials from a local supplier and ask there, what's native to your area. These plants will probably do the best. It also matters if it's a sunny or shade loving plant, depending on your yard.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Aug 18, 2017

    Visit your local garden center or home improvement store garden department and see what they are selling since they only sell plants that thrive in your region. Then talk with the sales people if you have any questions or need advice on coordinating plants and garden accessories.

  • Mfbandit769 Mfbandit769 on Aug 18, 2017

    It depends on where you live, sun exposure, style of garden, moisture, etc. etc. Why do people ask such broad questions?? It's like asking "What should I have for dinner tonight"?

  • Pennie Collins Pennie Collins on Aug 18, 2017

    You perennial choices will depend on a few factors. Sun, shade, planting zone, rainfall, and your own tastes. If you don't mind starting with small plants, try Exciting Gardens catalog. They even have suggested planting groups and landscaped designs you can just buy and plant to look like a pro. Now for weeds, I have used corn meal sprinkled in between plants and covered with a really good mulch. It worked for me but it depends on those same factors I mentioned above. Good gardening!

  • John John on Aug 19, 2017

    There's lots of information you can find at: chemistrycatchet.com