On a 10 year old ramp, one of the boards is still seeping sap.

by Donna
Do I need to replace the board, or just turn it over? Or is there something I can put on it to stop the sticky mess?!

  5 answers
  • Cmw16916895 Cmw16916895 on Aug 19, 2017

    I would apply some GOOP (tar remover) apply with a paint brush, leave on several minutes, then wash off

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Aug 19, 2017

    Have you tried power washing it off?

    • Donna Donna on Aug 19, 2017

      Yes, and it looked like it worked, till it dried completely. Then it just got sticky again. Thank you!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 19, 2017

    That board just won't give up, will it? It's not likely that you can seal the board in any way to stop the sap from seeping. You could try flipping the board over and let gravity take a couple of years to catch up, but you could very likely have sap on the other side, too. Unless you want to replace the board, I would just cost it with sand or baking soda, borax, cornstarch, or scouring powder. Have a rug or mat at the top of the steps to scrape your shoes on. In a few days, the sand should be ground into the step, hopefully to absorb the sap for a while. I hope you get good ideas to consider. Best wishes 😇

    • Donna Donna on Aug 19, 2017

      Thank you! I appreciate your suggestions! Can I use any of the things you listed to put on the sap? Is sand the best thing? Thank you, again!

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 19, 2017

    You are supposed to shellac those knots and the best is Zinsser B-I_N Primer. It is white so you will have to paint over it when done, chose a nice marine epoxy paint and have them add some glass beads to it for a non-skid surface.