My fig tree has beautiful foliage but no figs for 3rd year. Why?

Wake forest n c
by Wake forest n c
  4 answers
  • Fig trees can easily take 5 years or sometimes more before they start to produce. My girlfriend in Asheville, NC planted one and it took a good 6 years - she is finally seeing fruit developing for the fall season. Just can't rush Mother Nature! Just be patient and it will happen.

  • Beth Stern Beth Stern on Aug 27, 2017

    a fig tree produces best if you leave your shears on the shelf. If you want your fig tree to bear early fruit, you must leave old growth in place, especially on varieties such as "Croisic" or "Flanders," which produce a crop on old growth early in the season. For many figs that bear crops both early and late in the season, the larger crop comes late in the year, and is borne on the current year's growth. To preserve the health of your fig tree, prune in winter just to remove dead wood and branches that cross or rub. Avoid excessive pruning of live wood.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 27, 2017

    Once mature, a fig tree can live decades. Some even live 100 years or more. So waiting a few years at the beginning is not unreasonable. However, there are some worms that can get on fig trees and make huge webs. If you see those, your need to nip them in the bud. Best wishes 😇

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  • Wake forest n c Wake forest n c on Aug 28, 2017

    thanks so much