What is the easiest way to paint lani and garage concrete floors

by Sandy
  3 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Sep 04, 2017

    Make sure the floor is completely clean and dry. Use a brush to cut in the edges around the outside, then use a roller on a long handle to roll the paint on the rest of the surface. Make sure you are using a paint made for exterior concrete surfaces...and be sure to follow all instructions on the paint can.

  • Sandy Sandy on Sep 04, 2017

    Is it easier to use paint or stain or don't you know...thanks for your answer!!!

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 04, 2017

    Painting is easier, you can use a long-handled roller, and get it done quick. Staining requires removing any sealer, and then acid etching before staining. Stain has the advantage of not peeling off.

    The third option is an epoxy floor kit for your garage. Epoxy is more durable than plain concrete paint. You can do many specialty finishes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAEG5stz-PQ you must prep floor well

    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 04, 2017

      Darn hate when that happens, wrong link.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VANWQhrTGI4 Watch him clean, acid etch, but he forgot to test floor sealer was off, and then epoxy the floor.