My strawberry patch is now over run by the neighbors creeping Charlie

by Doreen
Is there anything I can spray to get rid of it without killing my berry plants?

  4 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 04, 2017

    Our neighbor's creeping vine morning glories and creeping charlie takes over our fence and yard too. We weed eat about a foot of his yard to move it back. He does not mind and he does not mow so it is no offense to him. Just weed eat between his yard and your strawberry patch or it will take over your yard too. Living next to inconsiderate neighbors takes patience but also grows good character. Good luck. You might try talking to them about it first and seek peace in all things. Hope this helps.

    • Doreen Doreen on Sep 04, 2017

      I have been doing that for a few years in other parts of their yard next to mine also. This year for some reason it took control of my berry patch, which is about 25x12. Mid summer when I noticed how bad it was I also did about 5 feet into their yard along the strawberries. Too bad they don't have a weed killer that doesn't harm my plants :-(

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 04, 2017

    I have the same thing surrounding my back yard. The two properties on both sides and the back do not take care of the weeds by there fence, much less weed eat along the fence. My veggie garden is in the corner of the two worst offenders. If I can reach it I pull as much as I can, as far out as I can. to at least give me a break for a few days. I also get wild grape showing up and that is really hard to fight.. All I can do is grin and bear it and try to sneakily cut back some of the yuck that comes through the chain link fence.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 04, 2017

    Forget to include the fact that I use hanging pots for my strawberries for that reason and to keep the many critters around here from getting into them. I put them on shepherd hooks by my driveway so I can just go out the door and get my fruit.

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 04, 2017

    I would normally recommend using salt to kill weeds. But in your case, I'm afraid the only way to get that creeping charlie out of your strawberry patch is the old fashioned way. Pull it out and try to get as much of the roots out too. Sorry. I wish I had better news for you.