Are Tomatoes/Plants now days growing larger than they used to?

Deanna E
by Deanna E
You (think) your all prepared after you bought all you needed for the tomato plants which includes the CAGES. I used to remember the cages seemed to be enough to support the plants with maybe a few added stakes here and there. Each year we have over 7 foot tall 8 tall plus Tomato plants and to our dismay the other nights light rain caused 3 plants in a row to just lay down on each other by the weight. They all have cages and steaks and are tied off. There has to be a better way a DIY WAY Thrift Way to Support 7-8 foot tall Wide Heavy Tomato plants. We have several varieties yellow pear, red cherry, roma, beefsteak heirloom and a couple others.-------------------- Lastly we are trying to chase a MOLE out of our Squash and melon garden. What is the #1 best way to get rid of it? We are basic beginner Farmers. icon icon

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