DIY Cable Spool Table for Ummmm...Wherever!

Elizabeth Fencl
by Elizabeth Fencl
4 Materials
7 Hours
Happy Start of September Everyone!
I am so excited to share my latest project on Hometalk that seriously anyone can do!

I was at my mother's assisted living facility when a young man was wheeling an empty cable spool down the hall and I just about tackled the poor sucker. The vulture in me took over as I spied a potential project slowly being rolled out of my greedy grasp.

We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.
This is the bottom of the spool.
I politely asked the young man where he was going with this fine piece and he told me the dumpster. He was very happy to give it to me versus rolling the sucker around the building. SCORE!!!!!! Fist Pump! I love FREE STUFF!

The sick part of me wanted to chortle like a crazed woman, but I was afraid of what the staff at the facility would say. Not to mention how embarrassed my poor mother would have been, she probably would have cuffed me on the back of the head!

Oookay, confession time icon .... ummmmm yeah, after all my excitement, I brought my prize home and promptly rolled it out into our shed to add to all my other "inventory". It sat there for, hmmmm, yup, maybe close to a year icon . But hey, I eventually found inspiration and got after it!

First things first, these are the materials you will need: Stencil 24 in.   (Amazon),Wheels/Casters (4.00 ea)   (Amazon), Minwax Gel Stain   (Amazon) and Spar Urethane   (Amazon).

We had to replace our rotten deck this summer and when we completed it, that is when inspiration struck. I thought this would be a cute end table on our deck.

I sanded the spool down to get rid of splinters and added four wheels to the bottom bought the wheels at Menards. I paid 4.00 a piece for these.

Once sanded smooth, I applied Minwax Gel Stain in Walnut (my favorite). I had this stain on hand, but I bought it at Menards. Brushed on with a chip brush and rubbed into the wood with a clean rag. I let it sit over night before the next step...the fun part!
I had ordered this gorgeous stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils for this particular project. I couldn't resist... I LOVE this Stencil!!
I am not getting paid by Cutting Edge Stencils by mentioning any of this, I just love their products and recommend their products because I love how quickly products are shipped, the packaging is wonderful and the stencils are great quality.
This for me was the fun part, I love to stencil ANYTHING!! Turn on some music and have fun! Here is what I also love about can REUSE THEM over and over!! Trust me when I say, I may have paid 40.00 for this stencil, but it will be used a lot on future projects!

After I finished stenciling, I let it dry over night.

The next day I applied Varathane (Spar Urethane) Outdoor Oil Based Satin Clear for outdoor protection. I also had this product on hand and had bought it at Menards.
And here she is! My first fall project, I just love her. This rustic, industrial looking little side table is all dressed up in her satin and lace. Little does she know she almost ended up in the dumpster. Thank goodness there are a lot of us dumpster divers out there.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the start of my favorite season!!

In my post, I indicated where I purchased everything. Hometalk has added that you are also able to get similar products from Amazon.

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  • GLYN GLYN on Sep 23, 2017

    Hi, I absolutely love this idea, and have always wanted to upcycle a cable spool. I was lucky enough to obtain one for free like yourself. I am fine with everything, but I have never used a stencil. I have purchased one similar to yourself, but when I purchased the acrylic craft paint, it turned out to be " undercoat/cover paint " do you know if this would still be ok. I am making this table as a housewarming present for my future stepdaughter, and it has to be right I am 62 years old and entering into a new relationship I need this to be right. PLEASE HELP.

  • Joanne Joanne on Oct 12, 2017

    What did you pay for your stencil? I followed your link and the picture and size is nowhere the size of yours. makes a big difference .

  • Shanista Borror-Morales Shanista Borror-Morales on Nov 02, 2017

    LOVE this! I recently got some wire spools from work, not the all wood type like yours, and have wracked my brain trying find a project I could use them in. My issue (I think 🙂) is that they’re small, short and have cardboard as a center covering the metal. Any ideas or suggestions?

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