How to get Odor out of carpet?

by Jan
  5 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 06, 2017

    Hi Jan, I would recommend spreading Baking Soda on the affected area. Leave it there for a few hours and then vacuum it up. Repeat if necessary. Hope this helps you.

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Sep 06, 2017

    Hello Jan -- Here are a few ideas in case that odor is really stubborn!

  • Nena Hodges Nena Hodges on Sep 06, 2017

    It depends on the origin of the odor. If the source is biological, such as animal or human urine, feces or vomit, you will need a cleaner specifically for biological odors. Make sure to test a small area for color fastness, (unless of course getting rid of the odor takes precedence over color.) ;)

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 06, 2017

    Try spritzing the carpet with vinegar. If it is deeper in the carpet make sure to wet it well, even work it in a little. Stinky until it dries, but may take care of the odor. If what you use doesn't seem to take care of it, the odor may go down to the padding, which is near impossible to get rid of without saturating your carpet. Have you thought about bringing in a pro to solve the problem?

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Sep 07, 2017

    You got this!!