What is the best paint for leather and or fake leather?

  5 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2017

    You dye leather.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A41JbxvMFcg

  • Mel Mel on Sep 07, 2017

    Depends on what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to touch up or refinish? Is the material hard or soft? Will it be inside or outside? Is it for a home owner or business like a resturant? Pigment or dye? Color match or blend?

    Please provide pictures and explain what you want as the finished project.



  • Nicole Beisel Green Nicole Beisel Green on Sep 07, 2017

    It would inside. It's a storage ottoman its is brown now and I was thinking grey

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 09, 2017

    Is the ottoman leather or vinyl (fake leather)? This will determine greatly how to approach the project. If you posted a picture of it, Hometalkers would be able to answer your question, and give advise more specific to your situation.