Natural dust solution

I have copd and allergies. Very sensitive to strong smells. I need a natural cleaner to clean and dust my tables.

  5 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 08, 2017

    Simple Green is what I got for my allergies. YOu can find it at Walmart in the auto/boat/camping section in concentrate form or at Menards in the soap cleaner section. You use one part concentrate and 8 parts water so a bottle will last a whole year. I bought the diluted spray bottle and a concentrate so I have a spray bottle to mix it in. It is a disinfectant and deodorizer and has helped my allergies and my husband's allergies. Great stuff! Use it to deodorize your trash every time you take out the garbage. It does not cover smells, it cancels them.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 08, 2017

    For the dust I use the Swiffer dusters, they really do grab the dust. I also use the sheets that you put on the Swiffer floor duster. To clean I use a just damp rag or washcloth to clean the tables and make sure I dry them right away. My hubby also has COPD and allergies, son has situational asthma and allergies, so I don't like to use cleaners that are scented. We also have birds and highly scented perfumes and things like febreeze that are highly scented will kill birds.

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 08, 2017

    Get an Ionic Breeze negative ion generator, it really removes dust, pollens, molds etc. Totally quiet, no filters, you just remove the blades and wipe them off with a wet wipe. Otherwise when I dust, I use a wet wipe or furniture wipe cloth from the Dollar Tree, they also have dry, static clothes that work really great especially on your swiffer on hardwood or bamboo flooring.

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 08, 2017

    For cleaners I use Method products. They aren't so scented. You can also try making your own. Here is a link with recipes.

  • Karen Krysowaty Karen Krysowaty on Sep 08, 2017

    I use the Swiffer dusters instead of sprays and if I need a little more oomph I spray with water.