What is wrong with my peace lilly. The leaves are turning Brown.

by Pee10455060

  4 answers
  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Sep 09, 2017

    Hello! Typically brown leaves on a Peace Lilly plant has to do with too much or too little watering, but it could also be from a build up of too much minerals from tap water. Read this article, which has great information!


  • Pat Pat on Sep 09, 2017

    I find that mine needs a lot of water (it is outside on the north side of my house in shade....but is the same inside) and the tips of the leaves will turn brown if they touch the wall, a pot or some other service. I just take the sissors and but off the b rown part and does well. I water mine, when it is starting to wilt.

  • Geoff Walker Geoff Walker on Sep 10, 2017

    Could be the lily is in the wrong place. Try moving it and watch your watering.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree 2 days ago

    Many indoor plants that have the tips turn brown do so because of the chemicals in the water. Try using distilled water to see if that works.