How can paint an old chair to have the "dedressed" look?

by Judy
  1 answer
  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on Sep 09, 2017

    You can distress furniture several ways. Two ways I have done are as follows:

    Paint the chair the base color you want to show through the distressed parts and let dry. Paint over it with a different color that you want to be the main color of the chair. Sand those parts you want to look distressed so the bottom color shows through, often it works best to think about where the chair might become worn naturally over time and sand those areas. The second way is as follows: Paint your chair the base color and let dry. Rub vaseline lightly over areas you want to be distressed. Paint with the top color immediately. Let it dry. Rub a cloth over the areas with vaseline to wipe the vaseline off, and it will take the top layer of paint with it, and create a distressed look. Good luck!