How to tile over shower wall plate?

Hi everyone, my plumber has installed my shower to a stud wall using this wall plate, he advised that I can tile over the plate but didn't really tell me how. My boyfriend is confused about how this will work with the different levels of the wall and the plate.

My thinking was to build the grout up around it, tapering off away from it so that when the tiles are on it's not so obvious that it is raised in that section. He doesn't think that will work though.

Has anyone solved an issue like this before?

Thank you

  6 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 09, 2017

    You can't tile over it. You could try tiling around it, but if you ever have to replace it you would have a problem. I would try to see if the plate can be pulled out from the wall enough to tile behind it. If not, ask the guy to come back and give you a solution. He should not have told you to tile over it!

  • William William on Sep 09, 2017

    I agree with Rose on tiling around it...... Actually I think your plumber screwed up. I don't know the faucet brand or style but I think that plate is supposed to be inside the wall and not on the outside. Decorative escutcheon plates mount on the faucet pipes for a finished look. First photo shows the space for them. They would have come with the faucet. I would call the plumber back to correct the problem.

    comment photo
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 09, 2017

    Oh dear...I feel your pain. I am not happy with the tile job our guy did either. But even I know this is not right! 😥

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 09, 2017

    I agree with William, it should be on the inside. He gave you a snow job. I'd get the opinion of a reputable plumber, then call the first guy back and tell him to do it right. Then you can do your tile the right way. Your boyfriend is right.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Sep 10, 2017

    You need to call your plumber back, or get a new one. We are talking leaks and mold and mildew if this isn't sealed off right. Your asking for one major headache. First, do you have waterproof sheetrock behind the shower? This is important, and a good sealer around the shower. Get someone who will give you in writing an estimate for the job, how long will it take, and a guarantee that the water won't leak behind the tile. Good Luck!

  • Robert Garcia Robert Garcia on Sep 10, 2017

    You are still missing a few things! Check the installation instructions for your new shower, It looks like you are missing vapor barrier/concrete board/green board. I think you jumped the gun on your installation scheduled and put the shower head to early!