Kitchen backsplash

Melody Dawes
by Melody Dawes
I am living in temporary quarters--but, the kitchen is all monotone beige and it is driving me crazy! I had a wild hair of an idea to cover the backsplash tiled area with some boldly colored sparkly wrapping paper that I saw. I will not be cooking very much--so, it would strictly be to make me feel happy. Then, when I move, I just rip it off. Has anyone ever done anything like this? Will it hold up all all--even without much activity in the kitchen?

  6 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 09, 2017

    Go into a Home Depot or Lowe's and ask questions in the kitchen department. There are several temporary answers for your backsplash that are very attractive.

  • William William on Sep 10, 2017

    Yes you can. If you are determined to use the paper....use temporary spray adhesive on the tile and apply the paper. Then all you have to do is peel it off and wash off the adhesive. Another option is to use fabric and liquid starch. Soak the fabric in the starch, wring it out and apply to the backsplash. It will peel off easily and just wash the starch off.

  • Mls29262274 Mls29262274 on Sep 10, 2017

    Since you mentioned living in quarters I assume that you are military? I was a military wife for 22 years and moved many times. When living on posts everyone's quarters looked the same and were all painted the same. I wanted ours to look different. I cut printed sheets to fit my bathroom walls. I applied them to the wall by soaking the material in a bucket of liquid starch and pressed out any wrinkles as I worked from top to bottom. Although very messy during the application it made a world of difference to the room. I then bought towels and shower curtains to coordinate with the colors in the print. When moving day came around I just pulled the edge of the material and they neatly came off the wall leaving nice clean walls for inspection. Many times I was able to recut the material to use at our next destination. I don't know why you couldn't use this same method in your kitchen but you would most likely have to take it down more often to wash. Good luck!

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Sep 10, 2017

    Hello Rose - Here are some great ideas for a "temporary" backsplash!

  • Emily Emily on Sep 10, 2017

    You sure can do this with the wrapping paper, but it might be a job to get the paste or adhesive off, but if it is a small enough area it won't be too much work. I did this many years ago, making a bow from wrapping paper in my d.r. This pic is of a border made of the same paper as the bow. If I wanted to remove this I would take a big sponge watered and with soap on it, and just rub it off. I think it would be easier to put the adhesive of whatever kind on the paper itself, like wall paper. It could be tricky to handle and you might need to patch it a little. But it would work

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