Converting sandbox to patio suggestions?

by Paul
I have a sandbox that came with the house and I want to fill it with cement or bricks for a flat surface to put a grill on. The house is sarrounded with small rocks and a liner underneath and it looks like that same liner is under the sandbox. The sandbox is squared off with wooden boards to keep sand inside too. So is it possible and how would I do this if it is?

  5 answers
  • Sue28039999 Sue28039999 on Sep 11, 2017

    How large is the sandbox -- is it actually large enough for a patio? How large is the yard? How high above ground level is the door stoop from which you will access the patio? Does the sand box have a bottom or is it just an outline -- and from what is it made?

    Begin by deciding and defining and then outlining the size and shape of the patio you want. If the sandbox is small, you may want to use it to create a planting area in the middle of a larger patio.

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 11, 2017

    If you planning on using this as your patio form, it may not be strong enough and it may be too deep. Trust me there is nothing worse than a form busting under pressure from a concrete pour.

    Watch a few of these videos before you do this.

    Then there is the factor of has this sandbox been the nieghborhood kitty litter box.

  • Dms18078854 Dms18078854 on Sep 11, 2017

    Go to Home Depot and buy pavers and install. You have the sand as a base. Make certain that the sand is compacted.

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Sep 11, 2017

    you need to level the surface of the sand and tamp it down so that when your pavers are installed the are level with the sides of the box. Place the pavers in, levelling each one as you go. Fill the cracks by sweeping more sand on the top and into the cracks. If you wish to avoid weeds, remove some of the existing sand or if need be, add a polymeric sand before the pavers go on and sweep the polymeric sand into the cracks

  • Judy Judy on Sep 16, 2017

    Be sure the sand box, is FAR from the home. You don't want to be too close to the home, in case of DAMAGE, or a FIRE. Be very alert to this. Too many accidents happen this way, of convience. Great idea, tho make it further away, for safety, PLEASE?? J.