Is there any rational list of housekeeping chores making my life easy?

by Mara
I am now 83 years old and housekeeping must continue. Make a list of chores that can be done on a rotating basis. Not all in one day. Even I can continue to clean if there is a logic to rotating cleaning weekly or biweekly....

  8 answers
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Sep 14, 2017

    Concentrate on one room at a time. Pick up, toss trash, dust, vacuum or damp mop that one room. Dishes are the only thing that need to do daily if you hand wash. If you have a dish washer, load each day but wait until full or you're out of dishes to run it. Keep a sponge in bath room for quick clean upsl

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 14, 2017

    Is there someone- Maybe a Relative or Friend or Local Organization for The Elderly or Social Worker who could help you make up a JOB LIST Suitable for your abilities, that you could follow. ?

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 14, 2017

    Make keeping up with the food in the kitchen a priority, to ensure that you are eating the best that you can be - with food that is safe, not stale, and appetizing.

    Once a week, go through the fridge and clean out any unidentifiable leftovers, and any food that no longer looks or smells appealing. Make sure that everything in the freezer part of the fridge is always labeled as to what it is and the date that it was put in the freezer.

    Wipe down all condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) bottles and jars, and throw out any that may have mould due to excess moisture, or have a thick topping due to drying out.

    Before putting items back in the fridge, wipe down the shelves and racks.

    Every second week, go through the shelves/cupboards and do the same with any open packages, such as crackers, cereal, etc. making sure that tops are closed, and food is properly stored.

    Doing this regular "cleaning" of the kitchen will help you remember what food you have already, and make menu planning easier. If you do this regular maintenance once a week/once every two weeks, you will find that it will take less time each week, because you will be on top of it.

    • Mara Mara on Sep 14, 2017

      I tend to replicate when I go to the Gro. This certainly would make that less a problem. Thanks.

  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Sep 14, 2017

    How about Cleaning 1 room a day. Bedroom- Dust window sills and Furniture and Vac. Kitchen - Sweep floor every 2 or 3 days. (But Clean Spills up ASAP) Same for counters and Stove tops... Mop 1 time a Week ( I work for a Agency and the Caregivers mop the floor at night so its clean and Dry or after the client has gone to bed for the night. Living Room- Dust 1 time a week, and Vac.. Bathroom- wipe off Sink area daily and use those Disinfectant wipes for quick clean up...Same for Toilet Seat... Spray clean 1 time a week.. Use the new Dusters they have on the market ... Maybe have a tall Friend or Grand son/granddaughter help you wash the Windows 1 time a month ( inside if you can but outside for them)... Shut doors to rooms you don't use as much.. Also have someone check and Replace Furnace Filters...

    • Mara Mara on Sep 14, 2017

      Something I have "discovered" is a shark floor steamer/cleaner. We love that item a lot! Husband does commodes and that prevents me from a daily gag! He is also 83 and we work well together, thank God.

  • Ken Ken on Sep 14, 2017

    I think only you can answer that. Think about it this way: How often does the carpeting need vacuumed? Should I or anyone else tell you how often to vacuum? How often do you clean the bathroom? Do you tend to clean as you cook or do you pile everything up in the kitchen and blast through it after dinner? Everyone is different in their need for clean and lots of things complicate frequency and depth of cleaning needed. Out of 7.5 billion people on the planet today no one else's schedule will be the same as yours and it would be folly for any of us to tell you how often to clean your living quarters.

  • Chris Chris on Sep 14, 2017

    I do windows only twice a year, Good enough! My mom's house got that stale old house smell, but as we were getting it ready to sell, and moved some furniture and vacuumed under and behind it, that smell disappeared--it was form the accumilation of dust. Hire someone once every two years to do that. I use the beater bar of my vacuum set on low nap/wood floor to vacuum the arms backs and cushions of upholstered furniture twice a year. Shut the doors to those unused rooms and they will gather less dust and don't need weekly attention. Make a list of what you do and split it up, working only 1.5 hr a day total.

    • Mara Mara on Sep 14, 2017

      thanks for the vacuuming tip. I try to have a cleaning service in once a year for deep cleaning of carpets. I DO DESPISE CARPET. Give me hardwood anytime! We are both sound of mind and I am so relieved about that. For your tips, thanks.

  • Mara Mara on Sep 14, 2017

    such a responsive group. Impressed! Great common sense approach from thos who tried to help.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 16, 2017

    You are welcome. Don't hesitate to ask any more questions about housekeeping, cleaning, or anything else, as there are always lots of Hometalkers here wanting to answer others' questions.