8 Easy DIY Home Improvement Projects You Can Do On The Weekend

Dorsey Regan
by Dorsey Regan
30 Minutes
Your house is your kingdom. So why not improve it as much as you can? Most people tend to shy away from home improvement projects because of the cost. In reality, these DIY projects are not that expensive if you know what kind of project to tackle on.

In this article, we are going to feature 8 DIY home improvement projects that you can easily finish over the weekend.

Front Door Repainting

Source: Artorbit (http://www.artorbit.me)

The great thing about this project is that your hard work is easily noticeable. After all, your front door is one of the first things anyone sees when stepping into your home.  

There are two ways of repainting your front door. You can either remove the front door before repainting it or painting it while it’s in place. It's up to you to decide what works best for you.

Decorate the Entryway

Source: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com )

The space where you find yourself the moment you close the front door is the entry area. For most people, there's nothing exciting about this place. So why not be different and start decorating this overlooked area of the house? You can let your imagination run wild!

If you have a small entry area, you can install a large vibrant painting, paint something on the wall itself or add a stylish mirror. If you have more room to work with, you can introduce a console table.

Paint the Insides of the Shelf

Source: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com)

We all know how a bucket of paint can bring drastic changes to the look and feel of your home. On the downside, painting an entire wall takes a lot of commitment, effort, and time. Thankfully, you can just paint the insides of your shelves! It takes less effort and time, but you can't ignore the impact. To make it even better, choose a color that contrasts to the color of the walls or the outside part of the shelves.
Lamp Facelift
Source: Pinterest (https://pinterest.com)

If you take a good look at your living room, there's a good chance that there's a lamp sitting in some table. In most cases, you probably got so used to it’s look that you hardly notice it. Well, let's change that by giving the lamp a facelift!

There are a lot of ways you can improve the look of the lamp. For one, you can repaint it. If you want something more challenging, then adding interesting and unique elements (e.g. ribbons) will definitely keep you engaged.

Create an Exciting Centerpiece
Source: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com)

You'd love this DIY project as it's very simple to do and yet very effective. Your main goal is to simply create something that is interesting to place on the dining table or any table. Adding a great-looking centerpiece adds a new focal point for your tabletop. You also have different routes to choose from. For example, a vase with a beautiful flower arrangement can go a long way. Adding fruits in an interesting container or bowl also works great.

Medicine Cabinet Makeover
Source: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com)

This DIY project also works for any cabinet. And, let's be honest, all of us are guilty in terms of getting our enclosed spaces out of hand. However, there's really a refreshing feel when you open a cabinet and see everything beautifully organized. Also, why stop at just organizing? You can repaint the insides of the cabinet or even decorate it with repeating patterns.
Let the Fireplace Take the Show
Source: Houzz (https://www.houzz.com/fireplace-decorating)

Here's a Serious Question - Why Not Make the Fireplace the Focal Point of the Room?

If you agree, then you can start by taking a good look at your fireplace. Take the time to assess the surrounding area. Next, think of the stuff you can add to let it grab the attention of the room. For example, hanging a captivating artwork on top of it is a good idea. Or, you can re-paint some areas to make the fireplace "pop."

Fill in the Blanks
Source: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com)

If you have walls that are rather "blank" and your budget is too tight for something decorative, don’t worry, there’s always a way. There are plenty of DIY art projects that you can use instead. For example, making fans from magazine pages and gluing them together to form a foam disc would be a great decorative piece for any blank space.

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