How do I defrost my refrigerator?

Tammy Bode
by Tammy Bode
How do I defrost my refrigerator?

  5 answers
  • Mike Wagner Mike Wagner on Sep 14, 2017

    Pull the plug...that should do it!

  • Bbunny42 Bbunny42 on Sep 14, 2017

    Wow, this takes me back a few years! Basically, remove all frozen items from the freezer section and put them in an ice chest to stay frozen. ( I have also put frozen items from the deep freeze in the washer and that works pretty well.) Then wait for the frost in the freezer section of the frig to melt and drip the water into the tray underneath the freezer. The tray needs to be emptied quite often before it's full of water. If it's full of water, you may not make it to the sink to pour it out, but you will need to mop the floor.. I have also read about setting a pan of hot water inside the freezer section to hasten the melting of the frost/ice; also using a blow dryer to speed up the process. Oh, and while you're hanging around the refrigerator, you might as well take everything out of the bottom section and clean it. Good luck!

  • Thelma Thelma on Sep 14, 2017

    I defrost my freezer in the garage by leaving the door open and turning a floor stand fan on pointing toward the inside. Melts pretty fast. Put pans inside on shelves to catch water. Easier to empty.

  • Thelma Thelma on Sep 14, 2017

    PS. Be sure to store your frozen food someplace first!

  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on Sep 14, 2017

    I'm guessing you mean the freezer. Easiest and fastest way to defrost a model that's not frost free is to turn it off using the temp control, making sure you note the setting it was on. Put frozen items in an ice chest. Put towels at the bottom of a side-by-side model, or on shelves below a top freezer. Put a pot of boiling water in it, protecting any plastic from melting. Shut the door and wait a bit, then heat the water again and repeat. After a bit, open it and place a portable fan to blow on the iced areas. Then later get your blow dryer and use it to melt resistant areas. Make sure there's no water on the floor and don't just lay the dryer in the freezer running. Wear shoes. you can gently break away melted ice. Use the waiting times to empty your fridge and wash the interior of the fridge, wiping all containers as you return them to the fridge. After the ice is all melted in the freezer dry everything off so damp areas don't refreeze the old water inside. Turn the unit back on and let it run at least an hour. Put your frozen food back into the freezer. When you can, buy frost-free!