Asked on Feb 24, 2014

Hanging chairs on walls

I have a collection of children's chairs that I would like to hang in the hallway of a house I'm redoing, but I'm not sure what type of hooks or hangers to use. I've done it before with larger chairs and basic heavy-duty triangle hooks, but I'd like to do something more decorative.
  9 answers
  • Z Z on Feb 24, 2014
    What a cute idea Katheryn. What about adding a board and pegs at the height you want the chairs to be hung from?
  • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 24, 2014
    Becky, I LIKE that idea. I was actually planning on hanging them unevenly.
    • Z Z on Feb 24, 2014
      @Kathryn, I just drew up a sample, but if you wanted to hang them unevenly, and I always like that idea, you could make smaller versions to hang just one chair on each one.
      comment photo
  • If they are not that heavy, you may be able to use plate/picture racks for individual plates or pictures. I use them to display my antique washboards (I have it pictured on Hometalk too). Just a thought...good luck
    • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 25, 2014
      @The Garden Frog with C Renee , I'm going to check out your photos; I am having a hard time picturing it in my mind.
  • Give some thought to drawer pulls...very decorative and can often be found at yard sales or resale shops.
    • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 25, 2014
      @Lakeside Household Services Hmmmm...I would've never thought of drawer pulls! I was thinking that they might not stick out far enough from the walls to hold the backs of the chairs. On the other hand, drawer pulls on the fronts of the seat would make great hooks.
  • Katie Katie on Feb 25, 2014
    i was thinking of doing that with some old chairs I have. I was thinking about using some iron or oiled bronze coat hooks. I'm looking forward to seeing all the other ideas. I do like the drawer pull idea from @Lakeside Household Services
    • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 25, 2014
      @Katie , that was my first thought--coat hooks, or actually "coat and hat hooks." I was looking at some today and thought that if they project far enough from the walls, it would be interesting to have a pair each in different designs for each chair.
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Feb 25, 2014
    What an adorable idea! Love this! I think that coat hook would look the cutest. I also think you need a "hook" that holds the chairs to keep them from being bumped off. I am spoiled because my husband is a blacksmith. He would make me hooks of black twisted steel, and make them the length I needed.
  • Carol Harris Carol Harris on Feb 26, 2014
    I saw someone use chair and they turned some upside down, and use the bottom of the seats for displaying items, it was really cute, they had all size of chairs on the walls.
    • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 27, 2014
      @Carol Harris That's great. I could see hanging one or two upside down and using the legs as coat hooks, and the seats for keys and such. Thank you.
  • Carol Harris Carol Harris on Feb 27, 2014
    I think that would really look good, maybe even put some books or some of your other collectible on the ones that you hang upside down, I can see that.