I have this little stool that I want to refinish in a shabby chic look

Helen Anderson
by Helen Anderson
I have the base coast done in ckaulk paint. Looking for some pointers
  13 answers
  • Precious Pins Precious Pins on Sep 15, 2017

    tip- make sure to use a kabuki-like brush and circular motions to get chalk paint on properly.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 15, 2017

    If you have a dark color under the white, just lightly sand a few places until the dark shows. When you get it distressed like you want it, put a clear coat of poly or wax it with either a dark or light colored wax, whichever you like, to preserve it. Here's a nice video for other ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNNuhChWBOY

  • Andrea Macgillivray Andrea Macgillivray on Sep 16, 2017

    It seems a shame to rub it down after such hard work x

  • Bonnie Bonnie on Sep 16, 2017

    Most of the companies that make chalk paint also sell waxes to go with their paint. Choose a dark wax; when it's rubbed away it will leave an antique glazed look with darker staining in the crevices of your piece. There are many how to's on Hometalk, Pinterest and other sites. Come back and show us when it's finished!

  • G G on Sep 16, 2017

    It appears that a dust mask is being used on this. You have a heat gun melting paint that could have lead besides the normal hazard fumes coming off of it. It's useless, get a canister mask that'll block the fumes. This kind of stuff will get you dead as in cancer and brain cell killing.

  • Em Em on Sep 16, 2017

    Try one of the chalk paint crackle glazes. I die a plant stand that I found by the roadside. I did the bottom coat in teal and the top coat in a light cream. It is so easy to do and I absolutely love the way it turned out. It looks like it is beautifully weathered. The crackle glaze medium is just one more step, just like applying paint. Super easy. Super shabby chic. Just pick two contrasting colors.

  • Karen V Karen V on Sep 16, 2017

    I would put a little pop of color somewhere; maybe on the squares at the top of the legs or on the "knuckles" of the legs. Maybe a decorative knob on each of the longer sides of the table

  • Doreen Doreen on Sep 17, 2017

    I just did this with a $5 flea market stool. I got tow fur at Hobby Lobby w/ coupo. I felt it looked too white on white....so I dry brushed & sanded a littl. Hope it inspired you.. I think it's kinda shabby chic. & fur is so in right now!!!

    comment photo
  • Joh29610492 Joh29610492 on Sep 18, 2017

    For the top, find a pretty decoupage paper and mod podge it, and then seal it with clear varnish.

  • Ellis Ellis on Sep 20, 2017

    I don't care for the distressed look. I think adding a contrast color, as someone suggested, is a better way to go, if you must do something. Or perhaps a stencil detail.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 29, 2022

    Top job!