Need more storage space in small kitchen?

by Pcu7781361
  6 answers
  • Peg Peg on Sep 15, 2017

  • Peg Peg on Sep 15, 2017

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Sep 15, 2017

    Hello! Hometalk has some great ideas to increase storage space in small kitchens. Scroll through the many ideas in the link below to find your storage solution:

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 15, 2017

    We added a hanging shelf to the pantry door that comes with 6 long narrow baskets, 4 bags of sugar fit nicely in one basket. Then we added door hangers inside our 2 cabinet doors, one holds 8 lids to pots, the other holds all my cutting boards and cookie sheets. I also bought a "you build" island for more drawer and shelf space. It is on wheels so I use it for cabinet work space, extra food side dishes on holidays or setting anything hot (it is metal on top and has a fold out extra shelf top like a table leaf). Hope this helps you.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 15, 2017

  • Emily Emily on Sep 15, 2017

    My kitchen is really small. It is 7 feet wide but that is from wall to wall. Counters, stove, refrig, sink etc. must come out of that 7' so when dw door is down it is impossible to pass. However this is a very user friendly kitchen for one person. And we are usually just 2 and cope when family is here. I have done many small things to add storage space. WE have pretty good counter space and the kitchen widens out for about 3' at the end of the space which is 12 ft long. Here are some of the "innovations" I have made. Over the stove there is a hood which is fastened to a very small shelf custom made to store small pots (see it open in photo and closed in long view of kitchen) I have shelfs that stem ware hangs from. The shelfs also hold platters or other china. Over the sink there is more shelving to display large pieces of china and from this shelving hangs a metal rod that has hooks for hanging colanders, etc. Since there is not one built in drawer in the kitchen my husband made drawers from what was a mail sorter. This holds silverware, cooking implements, misc, items etc. You would be amazed at how much storage space you can find in even a tight space..!

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