DIY alphabet photography sign

by Lynn
I have a few pictures of items that look like letters, and I want to somehow put them on a piece of wood (wood will most likely be painted lightly). How does one go about doing this? I see them all the time in glassed frames, but I want the individual pics "glued" onto the board (I know that's not how it's done, but that's the look!). Thanks!

  7 answers
  • Sounds like you want to mod podge! Here is a link which provides step by step instructions - see if this is what you are looking to do.

    Happy crafting!

    • See 4 previous
    • Emily will have to help you on that one, as that is something I have never done - I do not own a computer or printer . . . Yup probably the only household in America without a computer . . .

  • Emily Emily on Sep 15, 2017

    i'm not too sure I understand what you want to do. Is it to glue a whole picture onto the board or to cut the letters out and glue them to the board? Decoupage is "my" craft and I never use mod podge. Just Elmers. These glass plates were decoupaged with cut out bird images, then they were painted (all this done from the back) If you want to glue a whole page of something to a board, just decide an attractive arrangement and glue away!

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    • Lynn Lynn on Sep 15, 2017

      Very pretty! Are the plates clear glass? I assume they must have been if you did everything from the back side! What I'm wanting to do is, take photos, approx 4x6" and arrange them on a board to spell something. I love the seashell letters! I wouldn't have though plain old elmers glue would hold!

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  • Emily Emily on Sep 16, 2017

    O.K. I get what you want now. That would be very cute. Have you ever thought of using an old window that might have the divisions already? Yes, you could definitely glue something like that style letters on anything really. You're looking for something extra on the letters themselves, but don't care if it is a whole sheet around them. The only thing about using a real photo v. a printout of one, is that the weight of the photo paper would make it a little trickier to handle, but maybe you just want the photo to be printed on copier paper anyway. Don't worry about the skill of a craft. The concept is always more important. You can learn the procedures.

    • See 1 previous
    • Emily Emily on Sep 16, 2017

      I think for gluing I would use a copy, photo paper is too heavy.

      BUT make sure that your ink is not soluble, maybe spray paper with adhesive, if you are unsure. This pic is of a photo border I made for bulletin board. Although I cut out the actual photos, I then glued them to size paper I wanted (3") and had them copied at UPS, cause otherwise they would be too thick! Oh, and I realized I probably used glue gun on those letters! Yep the internet can be maddening but it is oh so helpful!

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  • Lynn Lynn on Sep 16, 2017

    Good suggestions, thank you!

  • Emily Emily on Sep 17, 2017

    I think I answered this but don't see answer so here goes again! I would use a computer copy as a real photograph's paper is kind of heavy. Although I cut out the actual photos on this border, I then glued them to paper the right width and took them to UPS to copy. T hat made the project flat. If you do use copier paper make sure the ink is not water soluble as the glue would make images run. If it is, then use a spray fixative to protect the paper. But with new printers that will probably not be a problem Leafing through some old magazines I came upon a letter like I think you are talking about. Cut it out for future reference. Good luck!

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  • Shelley Shelley on Sep 19, 2017

    Decopaging is a lot of fun. The pictures will also be protected by the hodge podge that is used to decopage.