What is the fastest, safest wood stripper for an old wooden table?

by Stormy
  5 answers
  • Citristrip is my preferred product, you will still need to do a light sanding for best end results. Working on a project right now . . .

  • Suzette Suzette on Sep 17, 2017

    Hi, Citistrip does work pretty good! Here's a how to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJE9LA3vPK8

    Good luck!

  • Stormy Stormy on Sep 17, 2017

    Thank you for the video that helps a lot :)

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Sep 18, 2017

    I agree, citristrip is the best

  • Shrikant Narayan Dhekne Shrikant Narayan Dhekne on Jul 02, 2019

    Avoid using liquid paint strippers, both solvent-type as well as alkali-type. If not completely cleaned, any of its remnants on the wood surface can attack and damage its organic fibres and / or the subsequently applied coat of paint too. They are excellent for metal surfaces (except: alkaline ones not for aluminium surfaces).

    For paint on wood, the preferred method is a judicious use of a heat gun followed by scraping. A solvent-based stripper can be used sparingly and cautiously, if at all. The heat destroys and lifts the paint film and lifts it in blisters. Avoid charring the wood.