Hibiscus tree is blooming beautifully. How do I prepare it for winter

by Oldgaelic
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 20, 2017

    Re-pot it in the next size container,spray the leaves down with horticultural oil,more into indirect lighting for a few days,bring inside and place in a bright location,keep moist not saturated. The leaves will drop which is a normal process

  • Carmen Carmen on Sep 20, 2017

    You have to bring it inside if you are in Zone 5 or under. I bring mine in every fall. The leaves will fall off and it will look like its dying, but it isn't. They will grow right back. It's because of the change between being outside to inside. The same will happen when you put it back out in the spring when it's warm enough.

    • Oldgaelic Oldgaelic on Sep 20, 2017

      Thank you so much. Do light requirements change other than seasonal reduction in sunshine?

  • Carmen Carmen on Sep 20, 2017

    Put it by a window that gets light and it will be fine. I work for a landscaping company and my clients ask me about plants. Water it like you have been when it was outside and give it a good misting with a spray bottle. There is one thing to look for though. Sometimes you will get these little bugs on the plant when it's inside, not always, I never have, but some clients have, change the pot and the soil. They come from the soil and will eat your Hibiscus till there is nothing left. Even better, change the pot and the soil before you bring it in.