Is there an easier way to scrub your tub that won't break your back?

by Angela
  6 answers
  • Russbow Russbow on Sep 20, 2017

    Having been in the water treatment business for over 20 years, with LOTS of commercial and industrial clients, buy a water softener. Sears makes great ones and a LOT cheaper than local dealers. TONS more advantages than a clean tub. What you see on the tub is the scum created chemically when soaps meet calcium from the hardness. For showers, you still need to squeegee to prevent ANY mineral build up, hard or soft. Russ

    • Angela Angela on Sep 20, 2017

      Thank you. I will definitely look into this, I always squeegee but the shower floor still gets pretty grimy.

  • SandyG SandyG on Sep 20, 2017

    Spraying with cleaner prior to cleaning helps to loosen buildup of soap/scum. There are several long handle brushes on the market for tubs. There are also several battery operated brushes useful for cleaning tubs and shower available. Helps save your back from strain.

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 20, 2017

    I use liquid comet and a Mr Clean Magic Eraser! Works wonders! See my attached photos!

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  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Sep 20, 2017

    I use a foam spray bathroom cleaner. Let it sit for about 10 minutes. Fill a small bucket with household liquid cleaner, like pine sol. Then I dip a long handled instrument with a sponge type on the end. Then I dip the brush in the scrub water and scrub away. Then rinse.

  • Lifeisgood1191 Lifeisgood1191 on Sep 20, 2017

    i found magic sponges to work quite well to get off soap deposits on my tub. They do make a scrubber with an extended handle that would work well too.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Sep 20, 2017

    I use spray Comet, spray on tub, sink and toilet, let sit a few minutes, then lightly scrub with a long handled soft brush, rinse with clear cold water. I use two brushes (different colors in large plastic go-cups ), so as not to use the toilet brush in the tub or the sink. Do not let the spray Comet set too long, as it gets sticky, wash thoroughly. Sparkly! And my back/knees/arms do not ache.