How do I keep rabbits and other animals out of my vegetable garden?

Sue Roberts
by Sue Roberts
I've tried fencing (not chicken wire yet), red pepper flakes and other methods, but this year has been especially bad.

  8 answers
  • Wayne Burk Wayne Burk on Sep 20, 2017

    Spray it with a soap and vinegar solution.. Is what my wife does..

  • Peg Peg on Sep 20, 2017

  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Sep 20, 2017

    You can try fencing, but if it's raccoons and possum even groundhogs they will climb a fence. That said if you go with a fence for rabbits make sure you bury the bottom edge under the ground. The recommendation is to make a 90 angle with the fencing below ground so if they dig they will run into the short edge. That's to prevent tunneling. One more thing to try is decoys. Some people try Owls and my grandfather liked fake snakes. Just remember to move them around in the garden so they don't learn to avoid the snakes area. Good luck

  • Kristina Freeman Kristina Freeman on Sep 20, 2017

    I have a cat that don't like anything else.

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 20, 2017

    I made stakes and tied soap in thin tea towels to the stakes low to the ground to deter the bunnies and other critters! Make sure to use strong stinky soap, like Irish spring!

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 20, 2017

    Apply citrus peels ,spray with citrus essential oils,make pepper and garlic sprays,use plastic forks with the prong side up

  • V Smith V Smith on Sep 20, 2017

    Maybe the small animals would not like getting used coffee grounds on their paws. Bigger animals, like deer will go through whatever they can to get you yummies.