How to make a tufted headboard?

by HonWis02
  3 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Sep 21, 2017

    Hi Honey, Here's a how to video for you!

    Have fun!

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 21, 2017

    Here is one description ,,, I made mine out of plywood and two 4x1"s. I screwed in the two upright pieces making sure they were in the middle of where I would have to bolt them onto the bed frame, and then drilled the holes for large bolts and washers. I applied the 3" foam with spray adhesive. I marked and pre-drilled the holes on my plywood first on the back.. I used a 6" needle that I got at a fabric store, JoAnne's. I used carpet thread and none have come loose in 20 years. I did mine in vinyl, so I could wipe it off and its a big half moon, so I used a hair dryer to make the vinyl pliable around the curves when I was stapling the fabric on. Then I covered the buttons, and used the long needle which was very easy. I put a backing on the back after I tufted it.