Easy slime recipe

Laura F. Priest
by Laura F. Priest
  5 answers
  • Peg Peg on Sep 21, 2017


  • 28152408 28152408 on Sep 21, 2017

    Google: How to make slime with Elmer's glue- a ton of ideas comes up.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Sep 21, 2017

    Hello Laura F. Priest, The popular slime recipe that has been all over the web that even my granddaughter was using and playing with called for Borax (as in 20 Mule Team, which I grew up with watcing my mom use it for cleaning laundry and around the house, and never stopped to think aobut what it was). I am the one who even bought the borax for my grandchild to use. Then I read some things about it that made me think twice and when I showed them to my daughter, she explained things to my grandchild, and it was my grandchild that said she was throwing it out, and she did. She then got online and started making slime from various recipes she found, until she found her favorite NONborax recipe ;) Smart kid for 11 years old :) (proud granny here too) LOL

    In fact she is the one who gave me these instructions to give to you for her favorite homemade slime: This in her HER words (and she is like me when it comes to measurements ... there are none... sorry):

    " Well, first you have to put as much GLUE into a plastic container as you want to use THEN add LIQUID STARCH a little at a time and mix it up with a plastic spoon until it is the consistency you want it to be, but DON'T add too much starch or it will feel like it is full of hairs, and instead of stretching it will break when you pull on it, but if you add the right amount of liquid starch it won't break and it will pull and stretch and not feel all hairy. AND if you want it jiggly but I don't like it jiggly, but if you want it jiggly you can add a little bit of water to it too but it's not as fun that way because it doesn't stretch really well that way." ....

    I have also posted below anothero nline recipe you might want to try that is similar AND it is borax free (although Iz told me this is more like a thin playdough feel and not really stretchy slime LOL still looks fun to me):


  • CarolMackowiak CarolMackowiak on Sep 24, 2017

    just google 'Elmer's Glue Slime'! Very easy and generic white blue works just fine with the recipe!