How to sand wood floors

Cynthia Sledge
by Cynthia Sledge
  6 answers
  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Sep 21, 2017

    Hello Cynthia :) I sure hope this video makes it easier for you to sand your wood floors. Thanks for using HOMETALK for answers :)

  • Rent a sander, but they are heavy and tricky . . . Either get help or hire this portion of the project out. You can seriously damage your floors if not done properly.

  • Michele Michele on Sep 21, 2017

    Rent sander from Home Depot or or somewhere that had stand up length. They work great.

  • Deborah Perrin Deborah Perrin on Sep 22, 2017

    First, clean the floor really well. Make sure there is no sticky stuff (gum, etc) as this will just gum up the sandpaper. Make sure there are no nails or staples - those will rip the paper.

    Rent an ocillating floor sander. They are not too difficult to use. (There is also a large one that is basically a belt sander - those are harder to use and easier to sand grooves on your floor with, which you don't want.) Big box stores usually have them, but local ones are usually cheaper. Have another person help get it out of whatever you haul it in. Get a couple extra sand paper & pads then they tell you, trust me on that - most places will take back extras that you do not use.

    The video above shows how it works pretty well. They generally say "edge to edge" I have found this to bt not quite accurate. It comes pretty close, but you can use a hand sander if you want to be perfect.

    Then, you will have to clean the floor before the finish. Sweep & vaccuum...

    My pictures are from our living room. This floor is 50 years old, so there are a few "scars" that no longer sand out.

    I used a water-based semi-gloss poly, and did 3 coats total. The first time I did it, it lasted 10 years. We did have a rug down for the main area, which helped. I recommend a minimum of 3 - 6 coats.

    Wear a face mask!

    Hope this helps.

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