Hiw do you get rid of mushrooms in the lawn they come up daily ?

by Mmg29060267
probably coming up from decaying tree roots that i had removed about 5 years ago.

  6 answers
  • Teresa Lowry Teresa Lowry on Sep 22, 2017

    Remove decomposing materials from your yard, including stumps, clumps of cut grass, leaves and limbs. Toss them on a burn pile or haul them away.


    Use a garden rake to remove the mushrooms. Wear protective gardening gloves to avoid direct contact with mushrooms. Pick up the dislodged mushrooms and place them in a plastic bag. Do not burn the mushrooms or place them in your compost pile.


    Aerate the ground where mushrooms typically grow, using a hoe or garden rake. Mushrooms prefer to spring up from packed dirt rather than loose, healthy soil. Move the hoe around, chopping up the dirt carefully to disturb comfortable mushroom spores that rest in the ground.

  • Teresa Lowry Teresa Lowry on Sep 22, 2017

    Sprinkle nitrogen fertilizer around your lawn with a spreader or toss it with gloved hands. Use 1 pound of nitrogen fertilizer for every 1000 square feet of yard you treat. Soak the yard with water to allow the fertilizer to seep into the soil. Treat the yard with nitrogen fertilizer several times a year to control mushrooms.


    Remove a fairy ring or a ring of mushrooms by cutting the sod up and away with a sharp shovel. Fairy rings destroy lawns and spread quickly. Break up the exposed ground with a hoe. Stop the spread of this unusual fungus by pulling up the sod. Replace the sod with fresh, uncontaminated grass or grass seed.

    Things You Will Need

    Garden rakeProtective glovesPlastic bagHoeNitrogen fertilizerSpreaderSharp shovelSod or grass seed


    Promptly remove pet droppings from the yard to avoid new mushrooms. Starve mushrooms to limit their growth.


    Do not eat mushrooms that grow wild in your yard.

  • Teresa Lowry Teresa Lowry on Sep 22, 2017

    Leave rat poison or traditional snapping rattraps in rat infested areas. You can purchase these from hardware stores and other retailers if you decide you want to kill the rats. Be aware that rat poison does not kill a rat instantly, it can take up to a week to kill the rat. The rat will be in immense pain during this week, so keep that in mind.

    Read the instructions and cautions carefully. Most rat poisons include warfarin, which causes internal bleeding and other drugs that kill rats, but can also be harmful to pets and people.

    Check the traps regularly. A rat corpse will give off an unpleasant odor if you do not remove it immediately. Also you may not find the dead rat, it depends on where it dies. Traditional snapping traps are much more humane than rat poison as it should kill the rat immediately. However, in some cases it can only severely injure the rat in which case you should put it out of its misery. If using a snap trap be sure to get one big enough for the job.

    Use glue boards to get rid of rats. These are flat, sticky pieces of wood that trap rats until you can remove them. Once again, make sure that you only set glue boards if you intend to kill the rats. These rats are not going to survive, there’s no way to get them off the glue board. Some rats will chew off their feet or legs in order to escape from the trap and others will get their head trapped in the glue and suffocate. It is not the most humane way to get rid of rats but it will work. If you find a rat in a glue trap that has not been killed you'll have to stomp on it with a boot to kill it. It's either that or hitting it on the head with something hard like bat. Do whatever you can stomach and then toss the rat in an outdoor trash can.

    • Jeanne Martin Jeanne Martin on Sep 23, 2017

      I believe you posted this answer on the wrong question. This question is about how to get rid of mushrooms in the yard.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Sep 22, 2017

    Start with soaking the mushrooms with water, either the hose or sprinkling can. Next wait 2-3 hrs, then put your fingers as close to the ground under the mushroom, and pull, you should get the root and all. We're gloves. Good Luck!

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 22, 2017

    Mushrooms a re fugus in the lawn created by to mush moisture and not enough sunlight. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/eliminate-mushrooms-in-your-lawn.htm

  • Teresa Lowry Teresa Lowry on Sep 26, 2017

    yes, as I was prepari to answer a new question came in and the one I meant to answ moved without me noticing until too late. I wish there was a way to delete when I make a mistake like that but there isn't.