Easy to do candles made in reused empty used candle jars

Diane milburn
by Diane milburn
  3 answers
  • Emily Emily on Sep 24, 2017

    I'm not too sure of your question. Are you asking if you can re-use empty candles jars? I am assuming that is what you mean. Get some wick for making candles, put a hole in a metal can top and string the wick through that knotting it at the end. Put this in the candle jar and tie the wick around a pencil laid on top of the jar. Melt some candle stubs in an old can in some water in a pan (be careful in all these steps) pour the candle wax into the jar, holding the wick straight. I'm not sure if this is what you want as you could also just stick another candle into the candle jar.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Sep 24, 2017

    Hello Diane milburn :) First let's clean out the old wax leftover in those jars ;)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyXn1K4pN60 .....

    here is MY suggestion with that: the folded toweling that you are putting the cooled wax onto should be placed in a colander that is sitting over a bowl. Once you have the larger pieces of candle out of the jar, carefully pour the water inside it into the colander over the toweling and let the toweling catch all the tiny tiny bits and the water will drain cleanly into the bowl and be able to be tossed down the sink without any clogging of the drain ;) AND WHAT TO DO WITH LEFTOVER WAX?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcAZNocsiNE .... instead of using a bit of plasticine (or playdough) to hold down the wick in a new jar, you can have a bit of old wax melted and waiting and lightly dip the wick and it's metal base into the melted wax and then put it into the new jar and hold in place until cool (just a few seconds), and make sure you have the long wick wrapped first around the pencil or sushi stick or toothpick or whatever you are going to use to hold the wick upright in the jar while you pour in the melted wax for the new candle (if you don't have any metal bases for the waxed wicks, don't worry because they will hang straight down in your container while hanging off the wick holder ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAcKoSzRd-w

    My daughter, granddaughters, and myself love making candles. It is very satisfying to enjoy your labor with a warm cup of tea or cocoa together and dream up new things to make :) So good luck. I hope this has helped you, and thank you for asking HOMETALK for answers :)

  • Diane milburn Diane milburn on Sep 25, 2017

    Thanks so very much for your help!!!