Lamp shade needs cleaning and how do I get this Ugly stains out ?

Sharon Clyatt
by Sharon Clyatt
How can I get this looking good again???
stains inside shade any idea how to get rid of the stains?
Lamp was on a small side table next to sofa and it was under a window W/ Box AC what ever you want to call it :/
see stains on the outside of shade ,this was cause by a leaking AC :(
  24 answers
  • The water stains cannot be removed. Due to the fabric being stained there is little option other then perhaps to paint it with a stain killing primer and new color. Perhaps a dry cleaner may be able to assist on getting some of the dark color out, but I doubt you will have much luck with this. Trying to clean it in my opinion will perhaps only weaken the shade making it even more difficult to paint later on.
  • Debbie Harris Debbie Harris on Mar 08, 2014
    Best probably to recover it.
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Mar 08, 2014
    Woolite. I also wash my silk flowers in it with cold water.
  • Lyne Desrosiers Lyne Desrosiers on Mar 08, 2014
    maybe try to paint it with fabric paint
  • Shari Shari on Mar 08, 2014
    Okay, at this point, you have nothing to lose. You probably aren't going to want to continue using it this way so why not try something drastic? I would get a bucket big enough to submerge the shade in, fill it with hot water and a generous scoop of Oxyclean and dunk the shade. Maybe have a toothbrush handy to gently scrub the inside of the shade. It might take several dunks and scrubs but it might work to at least lighten the stains so they are not so noticeable. It would be even better if you could soak the shade but it might fall apart if it has something like fabric glue on it. Good luck. I hope you find something that will work because it's a really cute lamp shade.
    • See 1 previous
    • Shari Shari on Mar 09, 2014
      @Sharon Clyatt I actually just thought of something else you might try. Some time ago, I read here on HomeTalk about a stain remover called Zout. I bought a bottle in the laundry aisle of Walmart and I have to say, it is pretty fabulous. I have been able to remove a lot of difficult stains with it. You might try spritzing the shade with Zout, scrub with a toothbrush, rinse, and repeat as necessary. Please let us know if you are successful with any of these suggestions.
  • Mags Mags on Mar 08, 2014
    Shari suggestion is right on, but if that doesn't work.....try fabric paint on the entire under side. Gold or black.
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Mar 08, 2014
    I love these suggestions. I always just paint. I use a black or gold spray enamel paint. My answer to everything.
  • Carolyn Hoxton Carolyn Hoxton on Mar 08, 2014
    I would buy a new shade, you can find some very pretty ones.
  • Abedabun Dawn Abedabun Dawn on Mar 08, 2014
    Maybe try spraying with Folex instant carpet spot remover. I have used that stuff on all kinds of stuff with success. You can get it most every where. I have bought it at the dollar store and walmart.
  • Tammy Tammy on Mar 09, 2014
    I'm with Shari submerge it in hot water but I would use baby detergent like Draft , vinegar and baking soda. Hope that stain just lifts away good luck!
    • See 1 previous
    • Sharon Clyatt Sharon Clyatt on Mar 10, 2014
      @Tammy TY ;)
  • My favorite stain remover - Murphy's oil soap. I've seen it take stains out of clothes that I thought I'd never get out.
  • Roberta Eagleston Roberta Eagleston on Mar 09, 2014
    Didn't know Murphy's oil soap removes stain! Good to know. I agree with Carolyn, buy new shade.
  • Linda Linda on Mar 09, 2014
    If it is rust use Whink. I am assuming you already washed it and this is stain. I have also used X-14 and Tilex tile cleaner to bleach out spots.
  • CC CC on Mar 09, 2014
    I always wash my lamp shades. I spray them with a product you can buy at a Dollar General or Family Dollar if you have those stores where you live. It's called Awesome. I just spray the shade, let it sit for a few minutes then I scrub them with a sponge or scrub brush along with some Dawn dish liquid and then rinse them and they are like brand new. If that doesn't work on your stain try making a paste of baking soda and vinegar or cream of Tatar and vinegar. Apply the paste, let sit for about 10 min, scrub a little then rinse. I guarantee one of these options will work!! Good luck
  • CC CC on Mar 09, 2014
    Never heard of using Murphy's oil soap and I don't think I would because it has oils in it. So that would probably stain the material even worse. I wouldn't suggest taking that advice unless your lampshade is made out of wood. Lol
  • CC CC on Mar 09, 2014
    Be careful if you try some of these suggestions because they have bleach in them and you will ruin your lampshade even more.
  • Rena Short Rena Short on Mar 09, 2014
    I acquired an old bridge lamp with its original shade. When the lamp was turned on, a stain inside the shade became visible. The only non-damaging solution I came up with was to paint a pattern inside the shade that incorporated the stain into the design. Now, when the lamp is lit, a design appears that looks intentional and very pretty. I used dark brown paint thinned to the consistency of the stain for a sihlouetted effect, but one could get inventive by using translucent colors to paint florals, scenics, or animals, etc.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 09, 2014
    My lampshades in my bedroom are cream cloth (silk?) and were sooooo dirty and beyond just dusting. I was about to throw them out then thought, nothing to lose by washing them. And wash them I did! Wet them good and used 409! Rinsed them and towel dried them to barely damp. That was months ago and they are great!
  • Carol Carol on Mar 09, 2014
    Look for a new shade or buy fabric paint and paint the shade.
  • Judy Adams Judy Adams on Mar 09, 2014
    I used a product from Bestline Products , that I got at a yard sale and boy have i liked it . I has the same kind of stains on a linen liner on a picture frame. Water and ZIF! in a spray bottle . spray ,sit and wait then spray with clear water blot with w clean white towel and ,repeat if there is still a little unwanted color left .Try they are in San Jose Ca.
  • Lynn Lynn on Mar 10, 2014
    it looks like nicotine that has been pulled down on the fabric…. try to blot it with some hydrogen peroxide and a q-tip so that you don't get it to go through the leopard print… if that works you can brush it on in small areas and wipe it dry with a WHITE cloth; vinegar may also work, the big thing is to not sock it.
  • Esther D Esther D on Mar 10, 2014
    try Stain Solver. a teaspoon in a cup of warm water. Use a damp rag or sponge to blot out the stain.
  • Fenya Kashergen Fenya Kashergen on Nov 01, 2014
    try painting the shade in a neutral color
    • Sharon Clyatt Sharon Clyatt on Nov 01, 2014
      @Fenya Kashergen I never even thought of that, what kind of paint would you use since i want to turn the lamp on and wouldn't want the shade to burn
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