I just started a quick remodel job turning a covered patio into a screened room...it was a mess, first the clean out,

JL Spring & Associates
by JL Spring & Associates
pressure wash and then some patchwork on the ceiling from a busted water line repair. Then I'm putting some fancy custom lattice work around an unsightly propane tank, I'll keep everyone posted as it goes from these...:( to...:)!!! JL
exposed propane tank
backyard to patio
just a forgotten "catch-all" area
patchwork ceiling
"Lordy, what a mess!"
post bottoms in bad shape
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2 of 8 comments
  • Nicole L Nicole L on Jun 22, 2011
    It looks fantastic! I keep forgetting to take before and after pictures. They usually end up being during and afters! And I LOVE photography! Go figure! I really love the thought of covering the tank and still making it accessible!
  • JL Spring & Associates JL Spring & Associates on Jun 22, 2011
    Thank you all for your wonderful kind words and support. You're right John, I tackle it all. Only have fear of time ticking by and leaving people hanging ....The only bad job is the one skipped over and left undone...Thanks Again HT Members! JL
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