Bathroom update on a budget. I need help!

Tonya Shaffer
by Tonya Shaffer
We moved into our house a year ago. It was fairly newly built, but it was done cheaply. Laminate countertops, oversized mirrors ugly medicine cabinet. We started working on it, but had to put our money into a new AC, and other various things you don’t want your money to go forward. I am a DIY virgin and need some suggestions on giving it an uplift without spending no more than a few hundred dollars. So far we put in new fixtures, and a new light, painted and bought some trim to frame in the mirror. It still needs that little something. I’m afraid of using countertop paint unless, maybe a solid color. What do you think?
This is the countertop. It’s not horrible, just not my taste.
This is ewhere the medicine cabinet was. I had already started working on it before I took the picture.
These are cheap cabinets. don’t think they are solid wood.
The walk in tile shower. It needs something. I don’t have the time or money to replace this. I feel like it would be a huge, timely, expensive project.
  17 answers
  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Oct 11, 2017

    Tackle your already started projects and finish. Come back to the counter top when your other projects are finished. You have lots of projects on your mind. DIY can be rewarding if you do not get overwhelmed and "under money".

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    • Melonnie Johnson Melonnie Johnson on Oct 14, 2017

      I agree. You don't want to get too many projects going at one time. Wait between projects for a couple of weeks in order to live with your completed project for a bit. After each project, you may find that you want to change concept or color for next one. Especially if you are redoing a lot in one room.

  • Julie M. Julie M. on Oct 11, 2017

    Personally, I would not be inclined to paint the bath countertops. Laminate is cheap. If there is another laminate that suits your taste, why not cover the existing countertop?

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    • Julie M. Julie M. on Oct 30, 2017

      We have done it over square edge like her picture without any troubles. It can be difficult to cut without the right tools but any good carpenter could do it easily.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 12, 2017

    If it isn't broken, don't spend money now trying to fix it.

    If you just moved in a year ago, and have already had unexpected repairs, this is only the beginning. I understand that the colors or basic builder quality may not be your first choice, and that you are anxious to personalize it into your home. But as there will always be unpredicted expenses, don't spend all your spare money on decorating. Safety and function of the home come first.

    Give yourself time to learn more about diy, keep asking questions, read, and start small. Don't try to do too much right now to change it. Haste often leads to regret.

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    • Tonya Shaffer Tonya Shaffer on Oct 12, 2017

      The funny thing is I’m trying to get it ready to sell.

  • Barbara Barbara on Oct 12, 2017

    I agree with flipturn7 if it ain't broke don't fix it. I love your shower colours. I would paint the cabinets but leave the counter top as is. Nice paint and some accessories would do the trick. I used to have a hideous bathroom and only renovated when I had a major water leak. Add some plants, a new shower curtain and towels would look nice too.

  • KatAych KatAych on Oct 12, 2017

    I agree - paint the cabinets and maybe add some hardware to give it a brand new look. You can even add "feet" to the underside and it will look more like a custom build. The countertop and shower looks to be i good shape, but if you really hate it, yes, you can paint both of them; the key is using the proper waterproof sealant. I'd start with the cabinet changes and see how you like it, then -- you never know! :-)

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 12, 2017

    Oh, that changes the picture somewhat. I was responding as if you were planning to be there long term.

    If you are preparing to sell then, I would say that you have done considerable work already just going by your first post.

    In my experience with home sales, often people put a great deal of money into a home before listing it with big expectations that they will see a cash return upon selling, only to be met with disappointment.

    While it is true that some features are newer and trendier than others, it is impossible to second guess what potential buyers will like, or will not like when they view the home. What is ugly to one person, might look fine to another, or they might not even notice it; you just never know. You also mentioned that you felt the areas needed "something". If you are selling, then leave this "something" to the new owners. Do not put any more money into cosmetic decorations.

    In my experience, even if a home's construction materials may be dated, or not high end, nothing can replace a clean, shiny, home where everything- every closet door, every drain etc. is properly functioning. Even a couple of loose handles or a dusty water tank, might lead a buyer into thinking what isn't working, or what has never been cleaned that doesn't show?

    As far as painting the cabinets, I would seriously caution you against doing it. It is not a quick, or easy job even for experienced painters. There is too much of a risk at this stage that starting it will open up a can of worms of more problems.

    Once again, if it isn't broken, don't spend money now trying to fix it.

    • Tonya Shaffer Tonya Shaffer on Oct 12, 2017

      Thank you so much. I think I’m going to finish what I started and hang it up. i appreciate you taking the time and answering back. You definitely sound pretty experienced in this area. So I will definitely take your advice. I was considering doing the kitchen, but that is definitely out. I’ll save that for the house I’ll be moving in to.

  • Nancy Bogart Nancy Bogart on Oct 12, 2017

    Agree. Leave the countertop and paint the cabinet. Add modern hardware and you will be amazed at the transformation.

    No one will want to buy a house with painted countertops!

  • Bernadette Staal Bernadette Staal on Oct 12, 2017

    Leave the counter top, just add colours in the room that will compliment it. Never blow a budget and always keep some money for emergencies. No one is going to love you any less because you are still working on your bathroom and how long do you actually spend in your bathroom. A few plants and your eye will be distracted.

  • Karen Karen on Oct 12, 2017

    I think the shower is ok. I'd leave that for the next owner. The cabinets need paint. I read an article saying that just updating the bathroom with fresh paint and a few fixtures will add more to the sell price By thousands. Even if you spend $100 or so in paint.

    I have the same issue in my house. I want to paint all 3 bathrooms and the wood cabinets too.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Oct 12, 2017

    You are on the right track, organized, so have fun renovating and decorating. It might be a hair-pulling experience but it is a great time of your life. And will be rewarding when done. Have fun!

  • Tonya Shaffer Tonya Shaffer on Oct 12, 2017

    All you guys are great. I am taking your advice. Leaving the countertops and painting the cabinets. I will post pictures of it when I’m finished. I feel a little better about my countertops now

  • Christierei Christierei on Oct 13, 2017

    Just my two cents ..... If you have a dremel tool ( or can borrow one ) you can get a tool that will fit between tiles and you can remove grout. Then you can grout again and seal. Just an idea. I'm not sure you need to paint the cabinet. Did you know that you can stain a cabinet darker with out stripping the wood ? Clean well, use a coat of "sanding sealer", and then use a darker stain followed with polyurethane. I know you think it needs "something" but I think that is all staging. A beautiful candle, flowers, nice hand towel ( all things that can go with you.) I think you are doing a great job. Look around and see if there is a habitat for humanity store near you. They are great.

  • Gai7909343 Gai7909343 on Oct 13, 2017

    As for me, I'm looking for a home to buy, and the built in medicine cabinets are one of my behind the mirrors and a clean counter top.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 13, 2017

    You are most welcome. Thank you for the compliment.

    I have made my share of mistakes though and sometimes have had to learn the hard way, so I am more than happy to share my experiences with others. When I was starting out, there were no venues like Hometalk where a person could bounce ideas and to have the opportunity to learn from those more experienced.

    I hope the move goes smoothly for you, and that you ejoy your new home.

  • I almost had that same vanity and medicine cabinets. It's amazing what some paint can do. I kept the sink and used leftover wood flooring for my countertop, and to frame out the mirror so I was able to update the sink fairly inexpensivley (the shower was another story). There are some cheap countertop options out there, you just have to get creative

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  • Julie M. Julie M. on Oct 23, 2017

    We have done the laminate several times without many issues over a square edge like yours. Here is the tutorial I have used....