Can someone recommend a watering-timer that really works?

by Yolanda
  3 answers
  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 12, 2017

    Do you want mechanical or battery or elect.

    I have used both a mechanical timer... fits between the faucet and the hose... rotate the timer dial and set the amount of time you want the water to run, turn off the faucet when you are done.

    I have also used the battery operated timers... for a 3 week vacation... and it worked quite well... set the faucet just high enough to water the plants... not full force, which put too much strain on the valve in the timer.. run the timer longer if needed for complete watering.. depending on the number of times (per day) that you set the timer to run... the batteries will need replacing more or less often

    • Yolanda Yolanda on Oct 12, 2017

      We bought a house with timers front and back and neither worked. We had a gardeners replace the timers and they are neither reliable nor consistent. I'm looking for someone to recommend a brand that works.

  • I have a Water Master system. Purchased at Home Depot 16 years ago and I installed myself. Works great! I replace the battery in the remote once a year and is easy to program. I have 4 "zones."

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  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 12, 2017

    We have had good luck with Rain Bird. It might not be controller/timer, it might be the valve or the electrical supply to the timer... and sometimes with electrical stuff... they are just faulty to start with... it happens.