How to get rid of doggy smell?

by Kay
We have 8 dogs.the house is kept clean and the dogs bathed regularly but sometimes there's still a doggy smell.i know you'll say "what does she expect?" But I think I should be able to have dogs AND a fresh house! How do others deal with it please?

  10 answers
  • Kcama Kcama on Oct 16, 2017

    If you air vents are not too out in the open...and your dogs don't chew everything in sight (ahhh, puppies), you might try the Febreze Air Fresheners for car vents. The original ones have a nice clean smell and you can set the power on them.

    A lot of smells are held in fabrics (upholstery and rugs) so bare floors and leather furniture would help....not the cheapest remedy, but as you change things it is something to keep in mind.

  • Nevena MacLean Nevena MacLean on Oct 16, 2017

    It's important to do reaserch before choosing the race you want to live with if one is sensitive to smell. Some smell more than other. More you wash them more you dry their skin and stimulate their glands to go into overdrive producing the actual source of the smell you hate so much. Some races have anal gland overworking that needs to be emptied occasionally ( there again, more often you or your vet does it, more active it gets ). Removing it is not an option as it's absolutely vital for healthy metabolism. Do not use products containing amonia as they inspire dogs to mark territory. I find that washing their bedding ( adding fabulously smelling amorbident ) helps more than washing a do. I have six but I have chosen races that do not smell and don't burn holes in the lawn with their urin ( chow-chow & chihuahuas - sharpei can be added to the list ) . Also maybe is not your dogs that smell, sometimes it'a coming from the bag of a stinky dog food kibble ( that also can make dog smell bad after consumption). In the end ear or mouth infections can make them smell more. Good luck

  • Georgine Pappas Gentile Georgine Pappas Gentile on Oct 16, 2017

    The first problem would be rugs...If you have rugs get rid of them. Tile or wood floors much easier to clean . 2nd invest in plug inS Not the cheap ones , the nice oils that plug in with decorative tops . You can buy them in candle stores

  • Lro28304063 Lro28304063 on Oct 16, 2017

    could be a yeast infection

  • Kay Kay on Oct 16, 2017

    We have wood floors and washable rugs. We can't use plug in fragrances because we also have parrots and they would die from those. Some great info though. Thank you everyone!

  • Karen Krysowaty Karen Krysowaty on Oct 16, 2017

    I use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda on my carpets to absorb odor just like you use it in the fridge

  • KatAych KatAych on Oct 16, 2017

    We "strategically" place small bowls of white vinegar around the house to absorb smells - on top of the grandfather clock, hidden on a window sill, etc.

  • Pat Pat on Oct 16, 2017

    My sister boils cinnamon and apples on the stove to take away odor temporarily.

  • I have 6 dogs, 6 cats, a canary and a dragon. And sometimes visiting pets. And a partially carpeted house. Living in Southern California, we go to the beach quite often (100° F today), so the dogs get at least rinsed after every beach trip. I vacuum every day and mop the kitchen every night before bed. I have throws (oh so many throws!), on all the furniture the pets like to frequent so there are always some on the furniture, some in the laundry and some clean. Plus I get my carpets professionally steam cleaned (no chemicals!) every 3 months like clockwork. My carpet cleaner guy that I have used for years and is practically family. Regular check ups for all, (should have married a vet!) and other than the dog days of summer, I have windows and doors open as much as possible.