CORIAN countertop

by John
Where can i find/buy discount or cheap corian countertop
  3 answers
  • No such thing as a low cost Corian top. If you find one, let me know. Perhaps you can find something on EBay or Craig's list that can be cut and re-glued to fit your need. It can be polished to look like new if you find one that is aged. There are so called wholesalers. that sell solid surface tops at a discount. I use Formica brand myself as its a little better priced. It is basically the same product. But in any case any real deals are normally colors that are no longer made and difficult to find adhesives for when doing built up edges and he like.
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Mar 12, 2014
    I have replaced so many corian counters. I am going to zip my trap.
  • SK, Corian although not stone is a great alternative to other laminate type tops. It does however have draw backs but they are client determined. Our tops have been in for 28 years and look just as good as the day I put them in. I to however have removed many due to abuse from the clients destroying them by cutting or placing hot objects on them. But unless your using stone or tile the same issues will arise. I do find them wearing well in baths where we can cut and design shapes to fit that prove to be to costly using stone. As with any material the use or abuse is dependent upon the choice made.
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