Any ideas for how I can make a headboard?

Lucy Rude
by Lucy Rude
  5 answers
  • Syd1886348 Syd1886348 on Oct 17, 2017

    If your into Country or folk art you can use a white picket fenice slates and paint them any color you want. Simple beautiful Kk

  • Mary Mary on Oct 17, 2017

    Hang a full length mirror horizontally, grape vines with flowers, fancy stencil, family photos, simple braced boards to hold books, radio, lamp.

  • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Oct 17, 2017

    So many things to do.......take a large pic. frame (twin bed) and just hang.....King size ......old door Put door noob hole at bottom ...crackle paint...or just paint.....just let your thoughts go. HAVE FUN Old Shutters

    wonder the Antique Store for fun finds.

  • Fauxgal Fauxgal on Oct 17, 2017

    I used SHUTTERS!

    comment photo
  • Starr Wilson Starr Wilson on Oct 17, 2017

    Measure the width of your headboard and decide how high you want it and buy a 4x8 piece of plywood. 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Pick out some durable material and padding from a fabric store. Buy enough to cover front and back. Cut the material and padding to cover the front. Measure and cut your padding and attach it with some glue or a hot gun glue so it doesn't move. Leave enough fabric to fold over the edge onto the back and staple. Take the rest of the fabric and cut it so you have enough to fold under on all sides to hide the staples on the back of the headboard. Use gold tacks or a color you want to attach the fabric. Hope this helps you. Good luck.