Front entrance patio

Liz Plattsmier
by Liz Plattsmier
I would love design suggestions for a front patio sitting area. I have thoughts of brick pavers, stone or slate with a small water fountain (wall mount) since my space is limited and extending down to circular driveway
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 19, 2017

    You can use a metal park bench,and a water feature,add a gazing ball,and some wind chimes

  • Liz Plattsmier Liz Plattsmier on Oct 19, 2017

    Thanks Janet...

  • Adele Kurtz Adele Kurtz on Oct 19, 2017

    Wonderful opportunity! I am glad you are open to change. You have a very commercial looking front entry and can soften it immensely by bringing more of your lush plants INTO & UNDER your seating area. In my let-loose imagination -- I would love to see a cascading waterfall (long horizontal) with built-in planter box that continues your stonework in front -- wrapping around the corner. I could do a Photoshop rendering if you are interested and let me know the dimensions in the area that has the cut out.

  • CHOUGHSC CHOUGHSC on Oct 19, 2017

    The entrance is very symmetrical and semi-monochromatic. I would suggest a punch of style. A hanging water fountain on the stucco wall to the right of the front door would be terrific, with a bench sitting on the opposite side. If that's not possible, a pretty iron scroll piece would look great too - that wall needs a pop of color (mosaic tile art work?) or design. Stain the concrete walk to match the entrance stone? Tall, bright green plants on either side of the doors. This entrance is a lovely "blank slate" and I can imagine all kinds of decorating options! Have fun with it!

  • Liz Plattsmier Liz Plattsmier on Oct 19, 2017

    Thank you... Love this information

  • Bijous Bijous on Oct 19, 2017

    You have a beautiful home. In the small alcove with rocks, I'd add a water wall. It would be an unexpected feature in the small space. I would also add lights, a small bench and remove the rocks, replacing with a zen garden. In the larger covered section on the right is where I would a plant wall and sitting. On both sides I would have low level lights. On the entrance wall leading into the house, I would have an unusual piece of art. Since this area is completely covered, I would even look into an oil painting.

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  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Oct 25, 2017

    I agree with a lot of what was suggested. I would add a a wall light to coordinate with your entrance light on the dark side and since it appears very sunny where you live I would place the seating over there to be out of direct sunlight. Personally I would continue the tiles you have at entrance on both sides. On the very sunny side I would flank your wall water feature with small palms in planters something tall to make you look and add interest on that side any tall plant that will not wilt in the sun and if you hang the feature will you plug it in or will you have professionals install? If professionals then pick something with color, I would choose blue so that it appears refreshing. And I really like the size of the one that was posted that looked like it would be substantial for that area. I would have the back be a glass tile never metallic because of the sunshine. On the dark side if you can't install a hanging light feature due to height and don't want sconces then add candles on various height holders especially in the back corner. It's hard to gauge the width of area so I can't tell if you could have facing chairs or benches. I would place four chairs which would allow a small table in between each so that you can have refreshments. I would pick a wood chair because metal would be too hot to sit on. If only we knew height because a ceiling fan would be great.

  • Liz Plattsmier Liz Plattsmier on Oct 25, 2017

    Thank you, Thank you.... I do appreciate your time and talent and will incorporate many of these suggestions into my plan.