What color (colors) should I paint this?

I picked it up at a garage sale, for 2 bucks!!! I'm calling it a "Pantry cabinet" #1 choice gets it then I what to sell it! HELP ME CHOOSE! (I don't do shabby chic or chalk)
garage sale find!
  34 answers
  • Marcy Mock McDannell Marcy Mock McDannell on Mar 13, 2014
    Sage green would be pretty
  • Aimee Hartnett-Neal Aimee Hartnett-Neal on Mar 13, 2014
    Glossy black with a upgrade on the hardware would be stylish, in a dinning or entry areal. Fun would be bright color with a whimsical pull for a child's room or game room.
  • Rita White Rita White on Mar 13, 2014
    An accent color depending on kitchen color.
  • Darcelle O'Connor Darcelle O'Connor on Mar 13, 2014
    Thank you for the suggestions but this doesn't answer my question because I need to know what would be most popular color so I can sell it.
  • Kathy Avera Kathy Avera on Mar 13, 2014
    I would clean it up and paint it white. If the buyer wants, they can choose another color.
  • Pam Mallory Pam Mallory on Mar 13, 2014
    black in the back of shelf and then different colorful shelves. great deal, good luck.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 13, 2014
    To sell it, I would paint it a flat charcoal black, put on brushed nickle hardware and then line the back of the shelves with a beautiful white wallpaper with a black print...preferably an open pattern of branches with a few leaves! I would add shelves to the bottom part too.
  • Z Z on Mar 13, 2014
    I'm with @Jeanette, on this, though I'd go with a satin as it's easier to care for in a kitchen. Flat could easily show any grease splatter marks. It appears to be about four foot tall according to what I see in the background. If that's so, I'd fill in the hole where the knob is now and raise it to the top of the drawer. Maybe even add a long handle across the top for placing a kitchen towel. If you really want to dress it up add some finals for feet like I did here... http://www.hometalk.com/diy/-3007335 Or beef up the bottom and top trim like I did here... http://www.hometalk.com/diy/-3094145
  • Penny Penny on Mar 13, 2014
    i go with cleaning and painting it white...white fits in with any color scheme....
  • MM&D MM&D on Mar 13, 2014
    I don't usually disagree with these ladies ;) but I will say a dark grey might make it more interesting and cover better. Plus it's trendy right now. I love Jeanette's idea of lining the back with something interesting. Could also add a wine rack inside? or a rack for oils/herbs/spices etc. Just throwing ideas out there!
  • Darcelle O'Connor Darcelle O'Connor on Mar 13, 2014
    Yes I'm going to clean, sand and prime. By then I should have some good sugestions from ya'll. It won't get done this weekend, this is a spare time job. Thanks!!
  • Heidi G Heidi G on Mar 14, 2014
  • Wahoo Wahoo on Mar 14, 2014
    White is probably the easiest and most popular color. Give it some interesting feature or usage to increase interest. Like hide a tall plastic trash can in the bottom.
  • Darcelle O'Connor Darcelle O'Connor on Mar 14, 2014
    Thats on my list but with a grey exterior and yellow inside! Thanks!
  • Karen Karen on Mar 15, 2014
    http://www.countryliving.com/homes/how-to-get-the-look/pantone-2014-spring-trend-colors Hottest Spring colors----you were wanting a trendy, popular color, Darcelle. Just some ideas!
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Mar 15, 2014
    White goes with everything, But add some interest, like a bar, a wine rack or other shelves with baskets. Also change the knobs. Good luck. Please send pictures of the finished product.
  • Terri Austill Terri Austill on Mar 15, 2014
    Black is still really in right now!
  • Katie Katie on Mar 15, 2014
    My suggestion would be to do something a little quirky with it. Check out @Karen 's post for the spring trends in colours. I suppose it really depends on who your target market is. White/cream is always a good choice but I really love @Jeanette S idea and then source small funky hardware .
  • Karen Rossman Clark Karen Rossman Clark on Mar 15, 2014
    Gray appears to be the new "in" color. I just started using shades of the same color as my family room walls and living room, so the flow would be good into the kitchen. Keep in mind your customer base as some of us "older" folk don't do gray well since it is the color of our hair. LOL Here is one piece that I painted in these chosen shades. I now have the walls painted in the lighter shade while using the darker shades for cabinets. I like using more than one color on pieces along with that great Minwax Dark Finishing Wax that I found on Amazon.com. (I live in a small rural area with limited shopping).
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  • Lora (Howard) Cotton Lora (Howard) Cotton on Mar 15, 2014
    Boy!!! I expected to see some really colorful ideas for this one, but most are white/black/grey (some with a "color pop" with patterned back sections.) Maybe I'm weird, but I like a colorful kitchen!!! I'd say bright fire-engine red!!! Then maybe even a bright yellow for the two exposed shelves! That way it could be used either in the kitchen or a kids room!!!
  • Marge Marge on Mar 15, 2014
    I like the gray or black idea. White is my choice for shelving not a bookcase or cabinet. If you are selling it, I would use neutral not color unless you have a customer requesting that color. What about removing the door and adding trim on the edges?
  • Leah Bening Leah Bening on Mar 15, 2014
    Guess I have a different approach. I have collected 'stock' white pieces from garage sales at the same great prices to line my garage walls with extra storage. They match, and I place boards under them to elevate them just a little to protect them from moisture in extreme humidity.
  • Cynthia Hudek Cynthia Hudek on Mar 16, 2014
    maybe get a drimmel sander and sand it down then seal it if it looks good. I did this to a cabinet and I love it!
  • Darcelle O'Connor Darcelle O'Connor on Mar 16, 2014
    Omy gosh I so appreciate all our thoughts and ideas!! I am going to do the exterior a light grey and still working on interior, and thank you Karen,Evansville. I really like placid blue and cayenne! Gotta get working on my pantry cabinet!
  • Karen Karen on Mar 17, 2014
    @Darcelle , I wish I were brave enough to use some of these colors! I too, like the Cayennne. I could never put so many different colors and patterns together like I see in so many designed rooms. It makes my eyes hurt! Must be my OCD. I like things to look smooth, flowing and coordinated. Anxious to see a pic of the finished product!
  • Wahoo Wahoo on Mar 17, 2014
    @Darcelle O'Connor -- we want to see photos of the finished product! These are all great suggestions, meaning you can't go wrong. I'd buy any and all of them myself.
  • Pat Pat on Dec 26, 2014
    Lime green? Turquoise? Red? Grey?
  • Pamela Golden Pamela Golden on Dec 27, 2014
    I also like color and Lime Green would be my choice for the exterior and butter cream yellow for the interior.
  • Denise Hardy Denise Hardy on Dec 28, 2014
    Hi - i love the Cayeene colour - this is quite a great colour to go with lots of other colours - it is also a happy and bright colour - and the inside and the shelves could be white? Anyway, whatever colour you choose I am sure it will be nice :)
  • Ltt834476 Ltt834476 on Jan 07, 2015
    I prefer the darker like mahogany or a burgandy cherry color. Makes it look richer.
  • Judi B Judi B on Jan 16, 2015
    My repurposing would be for a wardrobe for American Girl dolls. With a bar in the lower section for hanging clothes. I can't tell the width, but if it's +18", I might consider a doll bed on the lower shelf. And/or small baskets for shoes and other doll accessories, books, etc. I'd paint it a complementary/contrasting color to the color of the room in which it will reside. A mirror glued to the inside of the door would be nice too.
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Mar 08, 2015
    If your going to sell it, I would choose a neutral color so that whoever buys it would want to buy it.
  • Jackie Gulick-Dunn Jackie Gulick-Dunn on Mar 14, 2015
    Disagree. Go bold. You will find a buyer. It would be good storage for a bathroom
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 03, 2022

    Only give it a good clean and sell as it is, so new owner can choose the right colour for them. Then you will not have wasted time and energy on it.