How can i make homemade flea killer for dogs?

i would like to make flea killer for my 2 dogs. any help greatly appreciated

  9 answers
  • Peg Peg on Oct 22, 2017

  • Gob28553361 Gob28553361 on Oct 22, 2017

    Bath them with dawn dish soap

  • Dfm Dfm on Oct 22, 2017

  • Dfm Dfm on Oct 22, 2017

    Go to this web

  • Ljr10627467 Ljr10627467 on Oct 22, 2017

    Try diatomaceous earth, use it on the dog beds. It is an eye irritant so spread carefully while dogs are away from the bed. I also used to sprinkle it on the rug and rake it gently in. My dogs don't scratch anymore. I only have to use flea killer when they are boarded once a year because they require it for all dogs that are boarded.

  • 62q10370829 62q10370829 on Oct 22, 2017

    Rub with orange cut in half or a lemon. Don't remember for shore which one.

  • Smittie22 Smittie22 on Oct 22, 2017

    Try going to utube. There are great SAFE ways to get fleas off. and also out of ur home. Suggestion: your dog is probably getting the fleas playing outside. Just remember IF YOU ARE going to exterminate PLEASE exterminate in your house FIRST! If you don't and you spray the yard first, you have never itched the way you will. The rule of thumb is to deter the fleas by running them away from you And OUT OF YOUR HOME! An inexperienced company reversed it with me. I could not even see the fleas. I did, however, get bitten all over. I called the company. They took no responsibility. Told me I should have known what to do. Said I would have to really work at it - Really???? Even tho they told me bombing would not help, I did totally blast my house with bombs. Guess what, the fleas were killed. Never another one 👏👏👏. Hope that helps. Smittie22