7 Materials
2 Hours
We've been looking to add a water feature to our yard for well over a year now. We've kicked a few ideas around in that time. I liked ponds, for example. Robin pointed out that we have a dog who would spend all his time in said pond and we would never have a dry pet again. I felt this was a good point.
We settled on a standalone fountain type water feature. We decided to build it ourselves because:

a) we like building things ourselves and

b) most store-bought water features look exactly like store-bought water features and cost a lot more than the individual parts that go into them.  It's a poorly kept secret that we're a bit frugal.
We started planning, and here is the a blueprint for the final design that we came up with.
[Looking for even more ways to spruce up the front of your house?! Learn how to install a reclaimed iron welcome mat in your deck, right here!]
The first step was to seal the pump into the bottom of our pot.
For the second step, we had to prepare our bucket to cover the pump. The bucket needs to be shorter than the depth of the large pot, but not much, otherwise the top pot will sit too low. We held the small pot in place and tried a few different heights till we found one that worked. 
[Here is another really cute idea to add some more pizzazz to your yard! :) ]
After positioning our pots on top of one another, we inserted a hose through the drain hole. (Don't forget to click on the link below for even more detail on this awesome DIY, so you can make your very own!)
Suggested materials:
  • 2 Pots
  • Fountain Pump
  • Plastic Bucket
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 8 questions
  • Jami Jami on Nov 16, 2017

    What was the water pressure "gph" of the pump you used? I was looking for one online and they're anywhere from $7.-$1,500. Quite the price range!

  • Penelope Penelope on Oct 18, 2018

    Want to do one but it has to reuse water ? How would I do it ? It has to be smaller to set on outside table ?

  • Marianne Rothstein Marianne Rothstein on Mar 08, 2022

    I have a water fountain but I never seem to get the right pump. What should I look for in a pump.

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6 of 28 comments
  • Karena Stetson Karena Stetson on Jul 31, 2019

    Nice water fountain but I’d use a solar powered pump instead.

    • See 2 previous
    • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on May 24, 2020

      Hi. You can also get solar pumps, that have back-up batteries. If you have too much shade from your trees (don't forget leaf litter in the pond), if feasible, you might look at getting installed, an outside electrical power supply. I have one for my big pond in the front garden. Always get a licensed electrician to do the job. The outside power point (double adaptor) is also used for electric powered garden equipment. So much easier than dragging a long electrical cable around.

  • Tish Ann Tish Ann on Aug 01, 2019

    i love’s mine 😊

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